California to release illegal aliens from prisons

NWOU is keeping an eye on developments in California as California’s crisis may be the model for the budget crisis in other U.S. states. The California Democrats have pursued a policy of reckless spending to support their special interest groups. The Democrats have supported the illegal immigration from Mexico to destabilize California’s communities and to ensure Democratic voting majorities in conservative districts.

On June 16 The Washington Post reported that the Obama administration has denied emergency aid to California. The administration has not ruled out giving federal aid to California if the state’s solvency is threatened in the future, but it does not want to start a new trend of states approaching the federal government for bailouts. Frankly, we are surprised. We believe someone has passed the word to Obama that there is a ceiling to the debt the United States can create. We believe this agency was the International Monetary Fund. But we have no specific inside information, we only note that the IMF is going to audit the Federal Reserve. Actually, the rest of the world is panicked about the huge amount of debt in the United States.

The state is facing a budget shortfall of $24 billion per year for the next two years.

NewsMax reports that Governor Schwarzenegger plans to free illegal aliens from California’s prisons in order to cut state spending. Schwarzenegger wants to turn over these imprisoned illegals to the federal government for deportation. 19,000 illegal aliens are imprisoned in California. According to this article, 65,000 illegals are imprisoned in the United States, but see below for another figure. The federal government doesn’t like this plan because its detention centers are full, and it fears courts would be overwhelmed by the sudden rise in deportation hearings.

Pay close attention to the details of this story. There are thousands of criminal illegal aliens in California’s prisons, and many thousands more in federal prisons. There are so many illegal aliens in federal prisons that there isn’t room to house the proposed releases from California. Just how big do you think the problem of immigrant crime is? Let’s explore.

“Many illegal aliens have a rape and pillage mentality toward America,” he said. “The government has shown them they can break our laws on many levels without much fear of enforcement. Why should they think of rape or gang rape any differently? Illegal aliens are more likely to engage in these crimes because rapes and gang rapes are much more common in the gang-rule Third World areas they come from.”

WorldNetDaily estimated in 2006 that hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens are in U.S. prisons.

Illegal aliens murder an average of 12 persons per day in the United States. That is more deaths than are recorded in Iraq and Afghanistan combined. Another 13 persons are killed by illegal aliens accused of drunk driving. Illegal aliens abuse an average of 8 U.S. children per day.

WND estimate 1 million crimes committed by aliens against the U.S. people. A high percentage of these crimes are sex crimes.

More WND reporting on rape cases.

Illegal aliens cost the state of California over $180 million per year, just to incarcerate them. This cost does not include the cost of police work, the court system, or the pain and loss of property suffered by the citizens of California.

Many cities across the United States have declared themselves as Sanctuary Cities for illegal aliens. That means they are sanctuaries for murderers, rapists, drug dealers, and thieves.

What percentage of illegal aliens are criminals? Well, this is a bit difficult to estimate because no one knows for certain how many illegals are in the United States. If there are 20 million illegals and several hundred thousand are in prison, the proportion of criminals who come over the border must be around 5 percent, or greater.

You can recognize the dishonesty on the Left from their rhetoric characterizing illegals as honest and hardworking. Most are, but how about the ones who aren’t? The Left never discusses the cost we must bear for their false characterization of illegals as well-intentioned and hard-working. In fact, the press refuses to report on the race of persons accused of crimes.

In Los Angeles, Mayor Villagrosa has instructed his police chief not to arrest and deport Mexican gang members. Mexican gangs flourish here because law enforcement is instructed to look the other way.

Frosty Woolridge has more on the cost of illegal immigrants in California and Colorado.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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