California screaming

Washington’s blog has a nice piece on how California solved its budget problem, temporarily. California is too broke to fund its schools, so it absconded with $2 billion in local redevelopment agency funds to cover the shortfall. The state also borrowed another $1.9 billion from future property tax revenues from cities. This state raid upon city funds is illegal, and it has cities scrambling to try to figure out how to survive independently of the state government.

John Dvorak believes bankruptcy is the only answer for California’s debt problems. Only the presence of hi-tech companies is keeping California’s economy from sinking into a nasty Depression. Tune in to Dvorak’s description of what Berkeley has become. The liberals’ idea of business is tattoo parlors, fortune tellers, strip clubs, and check-cashing joints. This is the future of America under liberalism. Is the long liberal ride at everybody else’s expense over in Berkeley? When there’s no more meat left on the carcass, the liberal buzzards should turn on each other.

Health care for illegals costs California $1 billion per year.

The Examiner reports that Mexican marijuana gangs are setting wildfires. We would favor legalization of marijuana just to get Mexican gangs out of California’s forests. Mendocino has become a narco state.

Brenda Walker has more details on California’s problems at VDARE. The California dream has become the socialist nightmare.

The mood in California is a little strange these days. As cities cut services and unemployment rises, the scent of anarchy is in the air. We predict massive outmigration from California, starting yesterday.

In our wildest imagination we see the Mexican army at the border, ready to invade and take California back. But Mexico isn’t prepared to deal with the massive corruption problems in California’s state legislature, and it can’t assume California’s debt. We don’t really believe that any government, state or otherwise, is going to secede from the union. People are too poorly organized to rally around a city and make it into an independent haven. White flight plus rolling bankruptcies and debt default will take California into a 1930s-style Depression, with bread lines and tent cities. No one can stop the Democrat parasites from destroying California’s wealth, and no outsider with cash is going to want to invest in Corrupt Diversity and Multiculturalism, Inc. Liberalism has come home to roost. The California dream is over. You can also thank Bill Clinton, NAFTA, and a lot of greedy U.S. farmers for the flood of immigrants that is turning California into Mexico.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


One Response to “California screaming”

  1. Good blog with some useful information. I will be back.

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