California county cuts health care for illegals

NWOU is on the lookout for stories about local governments dealing with the bad outcomes of the socialist takeover. Now that California’s budget problems are forcing the state to cut funding for counties, the counties must also cut spending to balance their budgets. CBS News reports that Sacramento County will begin denying nonemergency health care to illegal aliens next month. Those who depend on socialism eventually end up feeling betrayed by its false promises.

CBS also reports that “stimulus” bill spending will allow California to extend unemployment benefits for another 20 weeks. Spending money we don’t have allows the socialists to keep their game going, for a while.

The LA Times has a poll indicating that California’s ballot measures designed to raise revenue in the upcoming May election are not receiving sufficient support to pass. Proposition 1C is the centerpiece of this series of initiatives. It would allow California to borrow $5 billion against future lottery revenues. This is the best idea these socialists can come up with? The poverty of the liberal intellect.

Governor Schwarzenegger has a 33 percent approval rating. The state legislature has an 11 percent approval rating. As funding for socialist programs dries up, laid off state workers and teachers become “suddenly awake” to the false promises of socialism. The controllers suddenly are unemployed and are controlling nothing. Will they put their faith in trillion dollar deficits and unemployment benefits paid in funny money, or will they change worldviews and become part of the anti-New World Order coalition? The more the legislators fiddle with unworkable schemes, the more likely it is that these manipulators will be seen for the frauds they are. NWOU hopes that the “suddenly awake” will see through the phony schemes and false promises of socialism and take the opportunity to start a real life.

Meanwhile, The Green Left reports on the general strike in France. 3 million workers have taken to the streets to protest job and wage cuts. University staff are currently enjoying a seven-week strike. President Sarkozy is committed to reducing the socialist labor force by 10 percent in France. You see how it works: As the government takes over more sectors of the economy, more workers become government workers. As jobs are cut during economic downturns, the workers become protesters lobbying for their jobs and wages. They believe that schools and hospitals will disappear without continued government funding. It never occurs to them that private schools and hospitals could flourish if the government would get out of the education and health businesses, and they would enjoy higher wages and better working conditions. Their jobs would be paid for by private demand rather than higher taxes for everyone else. Trapped inside the iron cage of socialism, these poor fools can think of nothing else to do but lobby the government to keep the insane game going until they break the Treasury.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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