Buzzing in the liberal wasteland

We keep saying we’re not interested in liberal opinion, but twice this month we’ve posted on liberal opinion. What gives?

Liberals are peeling away from Obama. This is of real-world political interest in the mini-era we have characterized as “buyer’s remorse for supporting Obama.” More importantly, we can use the agony of the liberals as a lesson in New World Order studies to help the very naive.

We found a post at FireDogLake of interest because it provides a window into the White House and the maneuvering around Obamacare. You can conclude from this post that the White House is in retreat, they are tamping down Left opinion, and their deals are falling apart. But that’s not exactly news. What is of interest is the response in the Comments, the liberal trigger point for disillusionment.

Before we offer our analysis of the psycho-dynamics, we need to establish a few points regarding the propagandized masses. The liberal masses are not capable of thought, they are only capable of opinion. This opinion is a product of layered propaganda construction. Liberals have no understanding of history because they are entirely under the spell of Marxist pseudo-history. They don’t really have a coherent worldview because Marxism is materialistic determinism, and the inherent contradictions of this false line of thought work against constructing a cosmos with human values. So liberals must resort to other mythologies to supply what they lack, morality, values, an ordered cosmos. They seize upon various symbols and mini-narratives, usually from Freudism or Jungism, or from Darwinian metaphors, or from New Age occultism, or from the infantile leftism that ran parallel to Marxism in the late nineteenth century. Contemporary pop culture also has a lot of “authority” to Lefties, particularly the vulgar comedians such as Robin Williams, George Carlin, and Chris Rock. Most of them consume vast quantities of science fiction and Saturday Night LIve, pop psychology on PBS, and satanic rock. That about describes the circumference of their “culture.”

Liberals invest identity and emotion in politicians, even though politicians know nothing and have no expertise. Politicians lie in public and cut deals behind the scenes. Liberals imagine there is something more because they listened to the words.

Real-world events are reported as news, but liberals live in a fantasy formation that blocks recognition of reality. Even when history unfolds right in front of their faces, they have no idea what just happened because they lack a framework for interpretation. They are conditioned to think in slogans and to respond in slogans, so you can’t really expect anything more from them than opinion plus emotion. They are at the lowest level of the four levels in Plato’s Republic. They cannot recognize superior knowledge even if they encounter it because they assume everyone is in the grip of slogans and opinions.

Liberals are unable to chart the progress of the New World Order takeover because they can’t identity the players and the motives, even though they are written down. For example, liberals are consistently Green, even though Green makes no economic sense and is merely a front for eugenics and population reduction. They can see what is in front of their face, but they cannot recognize. They have sensations, so they appear human, but they lack comprehension, so they appear monkey-like. To normal people this self-inflicted wound seems silly and easily fixed, and liberals seem worthy of compassion, but very few liberals actually recover because there is a large therapy industry devoted to keeping them fooled. As you’ll recall from our previous posts, one of the most important goals of Communist subversion of the West, dating from the 1920s, was the takeover of the mental health industry so Marxists could decide who was sane and who was insane. That’s why the resort of Marxists is to label people of different worldviews as “crazy.” Unfortunately, this propaganda construction has now been taken up by ignorant Republican talkers.

One more point. Recall that the smooth criminal and traitor Bill Clinton was always addressing liberals and asking them to calm down and settle for a little progress toward the takeover. The slogan is, “the perfect is the enemy of the good.” This makes no sense of course, but this is what passes for dialogue between master and slave. As Jim Cramer almost says on TV, Republican pigs make money, and Democrat pigs make money, but Communist hogs get slaughtered. Clinton speaks as a criminal insider advising the gangster masses to be patient. The liberal masses are left out of the criminal action and get nothing for their sacrifice. They are eager for the total takeover, which they interpret as a utopia rather than a prison camp. They get nothing from the criminal deals, except maybe a job in a bureaucracy. This isn’t much to aspire to. There really isn’t any payoff for being a liberal unless you get a cut because the New World Order takeover is all about money.

Now that you understand the liberal blind spot, the Comments in the FireDog blog can be interpreted correctly, as the emotional response to an imagined “betrayal” that was actually self-inflicted liberal blindness. The liberal masses want no negotiations with health care providers, they just want a total takeover. But politicians and bureaucrats have no expertise, so who is going to supply the medical care except the medical professionals? Liberals imagine there should be no negotiations and no deals, but the leaders know the deals are where they can make big money in the future. The leaders need to tamp down naive opinions so they can keep the corruption game going for themselves. No deals, no money.

Obama actually tried to compensate the liberals for their donkey work by funding ACORN. Remember, Obama was an ACORN leader who paid ACORN for its support during his campaign. He further appropriated $8 billion to ACORN for various pseudo-activities after he became president. This was the payoff to the community organizers. The criminal circle should have worked perfectly, but there was a slip-up. The slip-up was the blabbermouths of the low-level cadres at the street level. With a camera running, they should never have let on that democracy is a criminal enterprise, but they weren’t smart enough to keep their mouths shut. Now Obama is in a bind because the spotlight turns to him as criminal organizer-in-chief. Will he sign Congress’ bill to defund ACORN? What a horrible dilemma and what an avoidable embarrassment. If ACORN had imposed a code of silence, the community organizer conspiracy could have functioned perfectly. If I were Obama, I would be mightily pissed off, and my anger would be felt all the way down the criminal chain of the party.

The Democratic Party, the UN agencies and nongovernmental institutions, and the New Age groups are all organized on the same model, the network of appearing and disappearing front groups that pass money to each other. No one wants this Communist shell game exposed to the masses. That is why there is so little reporting on their activities. The ACORN video masterminded by Andrew Breitbart didn’t really reveal the network of corruption, it simply interviewed the street secretaries. These liberals were so dumb, it was enough to blow up the entire criminal enterprise.

Comments at Firedog defending Van Jones are really clueless. Van Jones wasn’t let go because of anything about 9/11, he was let go because he is an avowed Communist. Obama is an unavowed Communist. Firedog liberals seem not to recognize how dangerous it is for Obama to surround himself with avowed Communists. The finger might next point to him. Obama’s strategy is always to hide his true identity, even though it is out there in public documents for all to see. The more he can fuzz up who he is, the longer he can stay in power. Obama cannot afford openly Communist liberals in his inner circle, he always needs some degree of deniability. Firedog liberals should realize this, but they don’t.

We don’t fully understand why Firedog liberals are disillusioned, but notice that their knee-jerk response (liberals always act out of conditioning) is to form another party or another activist group. Activist groups don’t really matter any more. The New World Order takeover is so far along, the criminal insiders no longer need to rely on liberal activism for anything but votes and a little extra money for themselves. The takeover work is done at international summits, and the endless meetings of North American Union and European Union bureaucrats. Firedog liberals seem not to understand that we are so far advanced in global Communism that small events do not matter, liberal support or lack of support does not matter, everything is being handled at the leadership level. If you haven’t already sliced out a piece of the corruption for yourself, you are going to be left out. Firedog liberals sense that they are irrelevant, left out, used up and discarded. That is why you get a lot of emotion (vulgar language) along with the meaningless opinion in the Comments.

What should FireDog liberals do? They can’t really do anything because they lack self-discipline. They have no idea how to succeed at anything. They can’t formulate clear goals and work toward them in a disciplined manner because they lack good habit formation. They are simply the vulgar mass refuse littering the New World Order highway to hell. Wasted lives, now discarded, offering a last gasp of protest before history forgets them. If it wasn’t for the internet, no one would pay any attention to their fate. Believers in deterministic materialism have a fate, to be ground up in the machine of global Communism. The rest of us have a little freedom, to resist or flee.

We’ve seen enough Godfather and Tony Soprano movies to understand that it is better to identify with the master criminals than the street gangstas. We appreciate Obama’s dilemma, the low-level gang members lack discipline and loyalty and can’t see the big picture of progress being made at the higher levels. Good criminal help is hard to find, but these Firedog guys can’t even take orders, and they’re constantly mouthing off about their problems in public.

What should Obama do with liberals so naive they still haven’t figured out that Marxism failed and was discredited as mankind’s greatest horror before they were born? They can’t produce anything, they probably can’t even shoot a gun or hack a computer, they can’t lie in public, what use are they except to give money? If we were Obama we would send a message down the pyramid of control, make an example of a few of them to scare the rest. If that doesn’t happen, it is only because crybaby liberals really don’t matter to the global Communists any more.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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