Britain’s police state progress

How is Britain progressing toward the police state? The takeover is more open in Britain, where the people know they are being taken over and the politicians are so brazen they don’t care who knows it. In the United States the same transfer of wealth to the banks and the same police state tracking systems are in place, but folks seem to like Obama and actually want more socialism.

In Britain the corruption of the politicians is headline news every day. Here, barely a mention in the press. The Democrats do a good job of controlling the news.

Henry Porter reports on the land of constant surveillance. Everyone is aware of the CCTV tracking cameras in Britain, and they are a topic of controversy. In America, people are constantly videotaped, but no one ever talks about it. Maybe they think it’s normal to live in 1984.

Britain’s Environmental Agency wants the same access to private property and surveillance capabilities that the police, customs, and national security forces have. Environmentalism isn’t really about ecology. It’s a leg of the police state.

Christopher Brooker reports on the proposed ban on incandescent lightbulbs and the approval of poisoned compact fluorescent lightbulbs. More at WiseUpJournal.

If you’re wondering why the Greenies want poison lightbulbs, don’t wonder. Green proposals come from big corporate interests and are passed down the food chain not as a desire but as the solution to a problem which is actually a non-problem. The green change-agents then sing along because they don’t know anything about energy, nature, or anything else. Green operates from the top of the global pyramid down. There is nothing Green worth your time.

Medical patients in Britain will be given pills with microchips in them and will have a chip implanted in their arm to receive the signal that the pill has been taken, or the chip will alert nurse that the pill has not been taken. How would you like to be an old person, chipped and tracked and under the bureaucratic mandates of socialized medicine? The Left doesn’t believe in human dignity, they believe in systematic control, preferably by machines.

In England, it is now illegal for mothers to look after each other’s children.


Is Gordon Brown too mental to remain in office?

It’s not a question of which party is more corrupt. All three parties in Britain are corrupt.

The Queen is officially upset about Parliament’s corruption scandals. Regardless of her official position, the Queen does not oppose England joining the European Union. Can you spell T R E A S O N?

Peter Oborne says Parliament is an organized criminal conspiracy.

Thoughts naturally turn to revolution. Sorry lads, this time it’s different. They have all the weapons. You’ve been disarmed.

Watching London’s street gangs.

English Rose thinks Labour will incite ethnic street gangs to street violence as election time nears. Anyone who opposes the racial takeover is labeled a racist in England, too. For local stories check her category The Hypocrisy of Race Equality.

Sample anti-EU British nationalist opinion at British Nationalist.

The governments of the United States and Britain are about equally brazen in their support for the globalists and the bankers over the real economy and the people. Parliament and Congress are about equally corrupt. The difference is that Labour has been entirely discredited in Britain, whereas in America the masses still clamor for more unfunded welfare state programs. Maybe they think they’re going to get something free.

Britain’s blogs are efficient at reporting the details of political correctness, the way the socialist takeover affects individuals and families, and the politicians’ corruption and deal-making. In the United States the press ignores the casualties of socialism and the corruption on the Left and rejects any appeal to the old-fashioned values. Britain is fiery and alert. The United States is mesmerized by political speeches, false histories, and the false promises of the failed welfare state.

Labour may incite ethnic riots in England, but there is no need to do this in America as the whites are entirely controlled by the rhetoric of integration and white guilt.

But America is keeping up with the British police state. From Kentucky, a report on how police track vehicles using GPS systems, without warrants. “Every agency has them.” Fusion centers, centralized agency data mining, and the transfer of military technologies to police agencies across the country will keep America pacified. The only fly in the socialist ointment is, all the big welfare states in the United States are falling into bankruptcy, laying off bureaucrats, cutting services, and driving up the unemployment rate. The Democrats’ huge stimulus bill didn’t stimulate job creation. It wasn’t meant to. As the Democrats build the national welfare state takeover, they need to keep the unemployed out of the streets, and they need to tamp down the anti-white rhetoric lest the whites wake up to the racial takeover and reclaim their real identity. So far it’s working perfectly.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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