Black Marxists going gay

Black radicals reach out to radical gays. The idea that blacks disapprove of homosexuality, as reported in polling, is misleading. The leaders are cooperating in the pervert takeover, and the black masses will vote along racial lines for pervs and criminals.

The Democratic coalition always consisted of uneasy alliances. Jews leading Negroes into radical subversion, white feminists giving up their femininity and finding gay best friends, Asians excluded from the minority-preference swindle but voting Democrat anyway, black males surrendering to the priority of feminist hiring preferences, how could anyone make sense out of that mess? Now, with black Marxists getting gayer, is it possible that perversion will provide the common denominator for the Left coalition, not special privileges and money from the government? Yep. As governments are being forced into austerity, the gays are getting more aggressive in their media and school takeover. Check our next post for details.

Pat Buchanan comments on the tensions in the radical coalition. But Buchanan doesn’t get to the heart of the matter. We’ve been waiting for the coalition to break for decades. It never breaks. Hang with us for the next few posts and you will understand why. There’s more to it than publicly announced alliances among special interest groups and the resulting tensions at the lower levels. You have to go deeper, to the evil heart of the beast. We’ll take you there.

Even as the Democrats tighten their coalition, Merkel speaks against multiculturalism. But we don’t care what any politician says.

Whites have a bad future in South Africa under black Marxism. Same as here.

What the World Cup did for South Africa. Nothing. Foolish politicians. What did you expect from black Marxists? Good government?

Jared Taylor explains race realism.

ObamaGang_BangSignLanguage_300x199_1.jpgObama’s black gangster signals. Gay Marxist Obama models gay behavior for blacks, sets the gangster takeover agenda. Implied: You can be a gangster just like me. Hang in there, we’ll support you.

Obama’s “Being an American is not a matter of birth or blood” speech. As if this Marxist perv gets to define who is an American. Outrageous. Treason.

Pete Stark’s “The government can do anything it wants to” video. Democratic Totalitarianism. We need to stuff these creeps back into their holes.

There is no reason to have rap music in the public square. Brazil’s mayor banned it. Anti-social. But that’s in Brazil, not here. In the United States it is background jive for every TV feature. Makes you want to dance on the ground, doesn’t it? Are you a “soul brother”? What makes you think Negro pop culture is soulful? Oh, right, they clap their hands and shuffle their feet.

British teachers accusing hundreds of thousands of white children of racism. Teachers are the enemy. White liberal teachers are the enemy of your kids. Take note and keep your kids out of the public schools.

How Magical Negroes help white people in the movies (while voting black Marxist in real life).

Speculation about why white women become mudsharks. And yet, there really is no such thing as a famous and successful mixed-race couple in real life that the Marxist race-mixers can promote as the model for successful racial integration.

The Color of Crime. This site will help you get over your “Negroes are just like us” delusion.

Germany Does Away with Itself. Notice what happens to anyone who stands up for white people in Europe. They are slandered and ridiculed, and they lose their job.

Of interest:

Real Clear Religion

Government baby-snatchers.

How Obama funnels our money to blacks. And away from whites.

Brainwashing at the college level.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


4 Responses to “Black Marxists going gay”

  1. Thank you very much Great post…thanks for share this..

  2. What an awesome article. Thank you.

  3. Thanks for sharing the details. I found the information quite helpful.

  4. eastlandgrl says:

    interesting, thanks

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