Beck discovers green con artists

We lost interest in Glenn Beck when he went off on the founding fathers and hope, faith, and charity, but last night we caught some of Beck’s program. He has moved up the knowledge curve. Last year Beck discovered that Progressivism was Communism in slow motion and the Obama administration mainly consists of Communist operatives. Great. The people need to know this, but it remains at the level of domestic politics, not New World Order studies.

Somebody (not us) told Beck that environmentalism is a front for a criminal enterprise involving cap and trade, carbon credit trading, and alternative energy investments. Beck has now discovered the New World Order. Or at least part of it. Beck calls this alliance of Greens and globalists “Crime, Inc.” Correct.

Now that Beck has discovered Maurice Strong and has linked him with Al Gore and the global population controllers, he has penetrated to the chief ring of crooks and liars who are planning to profit from Green Globalism. Great. Tune in to Beck’s program and learn from him over the next few days.

It’s interesting to speculate about whether Beck will contaminate FOX News with superior knowledge. So far, all of the commentators and reporters on FOX are blind to what is really going on. Will Beck’s new knowledge spread to the rest of FOX?

We don’t think so. First, probably few of FOX’s employees actually watch Beck’s program. Second, the scripted format of FOX’s shows prevents coverage of new topics. For example, where is O’Reilly going to fit the New World Order conspiracy into his show? Not in the feminist lawyer segment, not in the “pop culture” segment, not as long as he keeps Bernie Goldberg and Dennis Miller and Karl Rove as sources of opinion. O’Reilly, and the rest of FOX, can remain naively liberal and Progressive as long as they maintain the present line-up of know-nothing commentators.

FOX can deal with Beck’s discovery of Crime, Inc. better than Bloomberg or CNBC, which are entirely globalist in their orientation. Neither Bloomberg nor CNBC can even mention that global financial integration crashed stock markets around the world, and further global financial integration and debt issuance threatens the economic stability of every country around the world. Bloomberg and CNBC live in a fantasyland where crime is surprising news rather than the globalist way of life. You will never hear them talk about undoing free trade, or the slavery that results from Big Capitalist-Communist Chinese integration. You will never hear them talk about forced migration as the New World Order agenda to eliminate the white race. You will never hear them talk about feminism and family planning as the front for world population control. You will never hear them talk about U.S. foreign policy as a mechanism to control the international drug trade. Etc. etc. etc.

Glenn Beck is becoming truly dangerous, not just to the Obama administration but to the self-imposed stupidity of the entire U.S. television media. They will need to silence him. He is progressing up the curve of superior knowledge, right into the criminal networks that rule the world. Beck is a courageous hero in the vast liberal wasteland. Try to give him a little support and a little respect. He’s not going to save us from the criminal socialist environmentalist takeover, and he’s not going to stop the world depopulation program or expose feminism, but it is so rare to get even a tiny glimpse of truth on TV that we should all be celebrating Beck’s new discovery of a criminal network at the top of the global pyramid.

Visit Glenn Beck’s site and watch Crime, Inc.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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