At the end of the year

After a year of hard work we’re feeling a little lazy at the end of the year, so today’s post is just follow-up on news stories we collected over the past few weeks. Maybe you missed something. Most of these stories confirm trendlines we have already established.


Economic trends do not match the happy talk on TV.

Muni bond market is tanking. Especially in California.

U.S. and European cities on brink of bankruptcy. Meredith Whitney, Chris Christie shining spotlight on state and local bankruptcies.

Cities on the edge of bankruptcy. This knowledge is leading to speculation about whether the new Congress will allow more bailouts for the irresponsible socialist states.

Why San Francisco is bankrupt. Unions again.

Statistical tracking of California’s decline under socialism.

How those union pension plans are crashing governments.

Government bails out credit unions.

Focus on Germany:

Anti-austerity rallies in Germany. Actually, violent anti-austerity rallies across Europe are no longer news. But the socialists know they are going broke, so their special interest groups will have to take what they are handing out.

Opposition to the euro is growing in Germany. Good.

A handy guide to Germany’s political parties. Our eye is on Germany next year as the main actor in the euro-drama.

France may get bond credit downgrade.

The EU permanent financial safety net 2013 agreement. Notice how these “leaders” keep kicking the can down the road. That’s because it isn’t possible to borrow enough money to pay for the socialists’ debt.

German Left challenges Merkel’s “one at a time” approach, reluctance to issue Eurobonds.

Searching for the alchemical formula for socialist unity and stability in an age of degenerate, irresponsible socialism. There is no socialist formula for stability.

How the Democrats will continue to screw us:

Obama death panels begin January 1. The story here is how it was done in secret. Most of what Obama does, he does in secret.

Beck had a nice program last night reviewing the radical advisers to Obama. They are “just outside the White House.” Most of them are old SDS commies. Valerie Jarrett, the single holdover after the mass exodus of officials from the Obama administration, is the key coordinator with the radicals.

Malkin on Jarrett.

More reporting on the death panels. The problem is that doctors must follow government guidelines to get paid, so this counseling is not just between doctor and patient.

For one thing, building up the North American Union with new agreements.

More on the NAU.

For another thing, donating $100 billion to the UN globalists.

There is no force to check the growth of the government spy network.

The price tag of Obama’s presidency so far: $3 trillion in new debt. Staggering.

Afghanistan: black hole of U.S. military corruption.

Global warming scam

Public wises up to UN IPCC climate-change fraud.

After the coldest winter in a century, the enviros have come up with a Warmal Cooling scientific theory. No kidding, they say it’s getting colder because it’s getting warmer.

Why wind energy is useless.

Brief history of climate fraud and abuse at New American.

The green biodiesel scam didn’t work, either.

How they set up the liberal junk science global warming scam pyramid of funding research and disseminating lies. This is a great lesson on how the elites bypass the usual institutions and create their own disinformation flow. Notice how easily scientists are bought and how easily the public is fooled.

Of interest:

A quick lesson on what free trade has done to us. On purpose. Nobody’s even talking about undoing “free trade.”

Family TV has gone liberal degenerate. TV is only going to get worse.

Why the internet is for losers. Your little internet is only a part of a larger spy and control network.

Britain, Spain tops in cocaine use. Africa turns into Mexico.

Chavez assumes naked dictatorship, imposes internet censorship on Venezuela. Inflation is running at 27 percent in Venezuela. Cuba’s economy is also crashing. Colombia is complaining that Chavez is harboring drug gangs from Colombia.

Belarus remains in Russian orbit.

Italy seizes assets of Vatican bank. With all the priest child abuse scandals across Europe this year, now this. This pope has had a bad year. He won’t be able to recover from these scandals.

More Soros exposure here.

Keeping up with the Communist International.

Pedophile guide author arrested. One tiny victory.

How drug money finances political campaigns. Why the Democrats won’t be controlling the border anytime soon.

Last but not least:

One of our friends got caught up in the wrong New World Order history and is struggling with anti-Semitism. This can happen if you take the wrong forking path. Fanatics develop closed-mind syndrome and fail to investigate and learn, even when superior knowledge is available to them. Here’s a little help. Not all Jews are Zionist conspirators. There are huge differences among various secular and religious Jews. In fact, “Jew” as a collective noun really has no meaning. We’ve warned you that the concepts you think with with rule your conclusions, so you need to rigorously examine assumptions. On this sweet religious Jewish tone we’ll move on to 2011 and wish you all a happy new year.

nkusa is the website of Jews against Zionism.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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