Around the globe

Today a quick snapshot of recent events around the world.

Increasing drug violence in Mexico and the phony “guns come from U.S.” propaganda.

Catastrophic fire warnings in Australia.

IMF attempts to take over Greece and Iceland.

Communist unions to put bodies in the street to protest wage cuts, raising retirement age as part of Greece’s preparation to receive aid package. Yep, the Left causes the overspending problem, then blocks the solution.

The country tipped into outright demographic decline in 2005. Households have already stopped adding to their stock of JGBs. As the aging crisis accelerates, the elderly are running down their assets. The savings rate will soon crash below zero.

Germany and France agree to Greece bailout deal.

Why there are no good options to address Greece’s financial crisis, and why Greece may be the model for other countries with high debt, including the U.S.

World central bankers meeting in Australia to discuss debt and currency crises. Rising interest rates affect debt and borrowing costs for the banks.

Switzerland in decline.

Berlusconi tries to control Italian media before election.

Price deflation overcomes Japan government’s economic stimulus. On Japan’s demographic decline, shrinking savings, and skyrocketing government debt. Japan could be the first major economy to enter hyperinflation.

Pakistan worried about India’s military threat.

Venezuela is in drought and energy crisis. Chavez imposes electricity blackouts. Massive military build-up in Venezuela with Russian weapons.

Chavez devalues currency, leading to financial chaos. Venezuela’s economy is so bad they are bringing in advisers from Cuba. Venezuela may crash before Greece does.

U.S. military builds 700 bases in Afghanistan.

How Wal-Mart is taking over the world.

Why Congress likes China.

Carlyle Group forms fund with Communist China to take advantage of wreckage of U.S. economy caused by free trade agreements with Communist China.

Chinese military leaders urge government to dump U.S. treasury bonds.

U.S. will stage internet attack security drill on Feb. 16. China boosts cyber-attack capability.

FBI wants a record of every website you visit.

Texas tracks truant kids with GPS devices. “American public schools are being transformed into prison training camps set up to breed continuous generations of obedient slaves.”

Virginia passes bill banning chip implants.

Hackers shut down Australian government websites to protest internet censorship plan.

Internet censorship directly targets anti-New World Order websites. They are worried that too many people are catching on. Comprehesive links on censorship at the end of this post.

Anti-New World Order conspiracy disinformation putting the favorable spin on global integration. It’s reassuring to see the sharp rebuttals in the Comments. We like the term “coincidence theorist” applied to Conway’s worldview. You can learn more in the Comments section of this article.

Anti-NWO From Pakistan:

We’re not sure about the accuracy of these reports, but an anti-New World Order website in English based in Pakistan is something noteworthy. Handle these stories with care.

New currency to replace U.S. dollar.

Geopolitical predictions for 2010.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


6 Responses to “Around the globe”

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