Appreciating European resistance

eu_flag.pngNWOU appreciates Fjordman’s resistance to the European Union. Fjordman has been writing about the EU takeover for years. You can find a collection of his writings at The Fjordman Files. Fjordman was a pioneer in exposing the agreements between the EU and Arab states. He calls the European Union Eurabia and worries about the decline in the population of Europe from feminism. For this reason, he believes Europe is committing suicide. Europe is not committing suicide, it is being murdered by Communist globalism. Fjordman is generally well researched and well reasoned.

The EU Observer is a daily news source.

Not Proud of Britain offers the flavor of English dissent.

Burning Our Money is an ordinary punter keeping an eye on England’s financial crisis.

“The genius of engrenage, though, is that nobody notices. Each step can be justified, in isolation, on apparently good grounds – as long as no one understands that it is a process, and the end point is economic and then political integration. By such means are we thus enslaved.”

eurealist comments on English politics, green issues, EU takeover.

“Prime Minister Gordon Brown is less trusted than any other major western European leader in being able to steer his country through the global financial crisis,” a Financial Times poll showed on Monday.

Conservative Mind is mainly a rant against Labour. The English consider the concept of Great Britain to be an obstacle to English independence and sovereignty. The word for the present state of affairs is “devolution.” Each extra level of government creates its own set of obstacles and its own set of controls over the people. The more levels there are, the more able they are to split the people.

Global Shamming focuses on the climate-change hoax.

Nanny Knows Best: daily life under political correctness.

Nosemonkey’s EUtopia: articles on EU issues. Nosemonkey opines that there is so little reporting on government and EU activities in Europe that distrust of government has mushroomed and is now infecting all of the public. This distrust of government is now trumping the distrust engendered by multiculturalism and political correctness, that is, groups that were taught to hate each other and love socialism are now being united by distrust of government. The same could be happening in the U.S. as the criminal activities of politicians and corporate leaders go unprosecuted and unpunished and more and more legislation is rushed through a vote without debate or even a read.

“No one really knows what the point of the EU is any more. Initially it was to stop France and Germany going to war again. That’s no longer an issue. Then it was vaguely to build an alternate power base to the US and USSR during the Cold War. That’s also no longer an issue. It was once primarily economic in focus, but now “social Europe” is the buzz phrase. At the same time, it’s been gradually taking on more and more features of a proper government.”

Through the mess, the corruption, the economic crisis, the immigration, the loss of civil liberties, the extra taxes, the social disintegration, the violence, and the gradual takeover, Nosemonkey remains committed to the EU, like any good leftist.

The Washington Post has an article on what happens when you criticize the EU.

“EU affairs remain a specialist interest. Providing free information is not worthwhile, because there are so few people who care.”

Accountant Marta Andreasen was sacked for pointing out that the EU accounting system is corrupt. It continues to be corrupt.

The European Union is the model for America’s future.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


One Response to “Appreciating European resistance”

  1. Parejas says:

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