After the final takeover

Neo-marxist liberals are the waste product of the mass education system, which recycles the waste product of Neo-marxist theories in slogans and sound-bites.

The masses are the by-product of the successful subversion of all systems by socialism. The masses are colonized and clueless about the history of the takeover.

change.jpgThe cadres are characterized by their uniform belief in the propaganda slogans of Neo-marxism and their misplaced hope in the future of socialism. An interesting question is whether it is better to be totally ignorant of the takeover or held in suspension at the level of the cadre by the upper criminal socialist elite. The masses do not necessarily have a worse fate than the activists.

The masses are not exploited by capitalism, they are exploited by their socialist leaders. The Marxists recognized this fact themselves when they changed their ideological point of reference from “the proletariat” to “the people.”

Once society was destroyed, it was no longer possible to address the masses with truth or value. All political speeches are simulations of previous political discourse, form without content. All genuine references have been lost or destroyed. There is no more history or society or art or culture or religion, there is no more family or morality, there is only the pseudo-reference to what used to exist.

The masses are not trapped in false political consciousness, they are simply nervous about what political leaders might do to them next.

The media pretend that this has not happened, that we are still living in a previous historical state.

Polls and voting are statistical measures that pretend to represent the masses, but the statistics only measure what campaign was last addressed to the masses. It is impossible to represent the masses to the masses by measuring opinion because both opinions and the masses are waste-products of socialism.

gramsci.jpgOnce Marxism won, the absence of a second pole meant that all energy in the system is lost. Energy cannot circulate, it gets trapped in the dead zone of the masses. The masses have already imploded. The only question of interest is whether any particular control system will implode.

No one can legitimately claim to speak for the masses. They have withdrawn into silence. The masses absorb and diffuse energy, they radiate nothing. The masses have adopted this mode in order to be inaccessible to schemas of liberation, revolution, and historicity. To rouse energy among the masses, the politicians sponsor ethnic festivals, free speech marches, enemy-identification campaigns, and a mediated simulation of the social.

The masses are seduced, probed, treated. They are bombarded like atomic particles to see if any energy can be released. This is not communication but input-output. The masses are diagnosed. The solution is always more control.

There must be a stimulus from outside the masses to simulate the social. But the media are devoted to making sure that nothing outside gets inside.

The media cannot produce the social, the media can only produce the mass. The masses do not respond to information in the media or seek information from the media. The masses respond only to spectacle and seek only consumer goods.

The masses want to win the lottery.

If you tell the masses about the New World Order takeover, they will ask how they can join the controlling group to exercise power over others and give free play to their personal perversions. If they don’t know about the New World Order, they assume some good things are happening in global forums and they must devote themselves to “going green” and making everyone else go green. They never bother to investigate the green population controllers.

Media and information are forms of violence perpetrated against the masses. The politicians know they are supposed to supply meaning, but increasingly they supply meaninglessness. The masses accept meaninglessness and assume that their own individual anxiety comes from themselves rather than from organized anxiety campaigns.

When politicians speak, they speak only to the media.

The masses think about practical solutions and wonder why they are not even considered. They never think about wiping out the ruling class.

The masses know that something is terribly wrong, but none is capable of researching the history of his belief system.

With the system now having crowded out anything of genuine value, the system operates on the hyper-principle. Everything is magnified, turned up a notch, running on simulation. The model replaces the real. The responses to the system are fascination and panic, the most extreme social insecurity, and the variety of mental diseases.

marx_masonic_handsign.jpgBureaucracies manage the waste products of socialism by referring people to other bureaucracies. At a certain point, this bureacratic shuffle will be proclaimed too costly and inefficient. There will be a famine or an epidemic.

The media’s tasks are color saturation, live coverage of the spectacle, the interview with the alleged expert, filming obscenity, the Negro soundtrack, the meaningless debate, and exclusion of the real.

The masses respond with infantilism, passivity, idiocy, silence, hyperconformism. The masses will agree with anything, as long as it is not true.

When all differences have ended in mass universalism, the only thing left is the confusion of the image with its code. Systems produce viruses, contagion, terrorism to slow down the circulation of money, images, information. The viruses are interesting in comparison with the true product of the system, universal regimentation, universal conformity, wasteland liberalism.

Responsibility, cause, objectives, morals, meaning, and understanding are now cancelled out. They belong entirely to a previous era of history.

The logic of socialism is that the screen will be programmed to be read by another machine, even if that machine is legally a person.

Facts are meaningless. Arguments are meaningless, the masses believe only in models. Books are disappearing, text belongs to another time. The masses would rather be able to speed up and slow down the image.

The masses can no longer converse with each other because they are locked in mediated image-hypnotism.

Information has lost its referent in the real and is pure circulation without meaning. Money has become pure circulation, a cancer that sabotages all real economies.

That is why our blog appears so retro. Resigned to the disappearance of the real, the sudden appearance of truth strikes the masses as quaint, humorous, refreshing, historical. They respond with tolerance and amusement, as if we were working on a science-fair project, or they send us their slogans, as if they had just discovered something new and precious. The masses eagerly share their waste-product opinions with us, as if we had never heard of them.

The activist cadre carry out a low-level and meaningless simulation of programs already being accomplished at a higher level by control experts. They imagine that they are needed to carry the message to the masses. This keeps them occupied in meaningless activity so that they never accomplish anything or figure out what’s what.

Both the masses and the cadre have devoted themselves to meaninglessness, chasing small rainbows. Both classes are entirely expendable.

Marxism cancels all values and all differences, so the only things that can thrive and grow are viruses that threaten the control code. The cadre are in high anxiety about keeping the control code updated. The masses are in high anxiety about the system of production.

The feminist desire to make one sex out of two sexes produces the uni-sex. The proliferation of the pseudo-masculine feminist makes normal relations impossible. The drive is diverted into yoga, plastic surgery, sexual mechanical appliances, homosexuality, and whatever there is after homosexuality.

Instead of protesting against male power, the women now protest against the disappearance of the male. “What is wrong with men” is more central to their lives than rape or censorship or moral prohibition of sex.

Feminism creates the adolescent male wasteland. Every young women now feels it is her mission to guide boys from video games into sterile socialism. Her main competitor is the homosexual guiding adolescents into sterile socialism. Gay guide will become a paid position.

The system desires sterility. Marxism produces sterility. That is its purpose.

Intellectual elites are now all actors. They parade with moral consciences, suffering, witness to capitalist atrocities and natural disasters. They become self-effacing, allowing everyone to express themselves. Power must be shared with everyone. Everyone plays everyone else’s role. This arrangement is designed to keep the masses as the masses and make sure no energy vector emerges. Hiding power is “liberal etiquette.” Pretending to care for the masses is liberal career currency. Small-group discussion is the preferred Communist brainwashing model.

Neo-marxist radicalism increasingly seeks to find someone else to blame for the success of the Neo-marxist cultural program.

Almost all speech today is between members of the clueless Marxist cadre of activists and the controlling Marxist cadre of bureaucrats. Their language is equivocation about whether the right revolution has occurred or will occur.

The Neo-marxist preoccuptation with hate is the protest against pacification, colonization. It is resentment for the loss of difference. It is a fanatical desire for the other, hyyperresentment for the disappearance of the other. It is an autoimmune response to the culture of sameness.

In all systems, the viruses are the most important feature.

Marxism will die of cancer because Marxism is cancer. But first it will kill the social.

Drug use is part of the excess of organization, regulation, and rationalization. It comes from the excess of logic and rationality of the various Marxist pseudo-sciences used to control the masses. It is a symptom of the overcapacity for integration and normalization achieved by socialist organization. Drug use is, like Marxism, subversive destabilization from within, for it leads to a cycle of more over-organization and more drug use.

The perpetual dilemma of the drug-user is whether to increase the dosage or switch drugs. The socialist politician faces the same dilemma with regard to his media campaign. These two dilemmas produce the two most important classes of experts.

The masses secretly desire to see someone somewhere do something real, but they settle for artificial authenticity because reality is a scandal.

Every culture which universalizes itself dies away. The other cultures died from their singularity, the Marxist culture will die from its loss of singularity, from the extermination of all our values. The belief that every value desired to be elevated to universality is false. The spread of human rights, democracy, etc. occurs in a degraded state, perpetual war for perpetual peace under globalist control. Once established in reality, globalization will emerge as the Orwellian nightmare. This will end the appeal to the universality of values. Everyone will become an ethnic cultural resistor, but in name only, because all culture has been wiped out.

In the emerging pseudo-society, the white male radical will be the only one without allies.

The media will model ethnic culturism as the approval of ethnic styles. Approved role models will manage any genuine, spontaneous local diversity by crowding-out and discrediting through ridicule.

The system will channel individual rebellions into neuroses treated by pills. Individualism will be diagnosed as a mental disease.

mikhail.jpgThere will be a competition in the media between the unraveling of Progressivism vs. Progressivism. It will become the new spectacle if the system can maintain itself. Democracy, human rights, and ideas about liberty will be abandoned as retrograde once global centralization reaches critical mass (the police state coordinated by computer). The committee work will be discredited and defunded as control becomes automatic. Enlightenment institutions and government institutions will be allowed to wither away into disuse. Political events such as elections will be permanently postponed and replaced by the permanent identity crisis.

The sign of their success will be TV screens in public places, at every major intersection and inside every car.

The Marxist cadre and the Marxist bureaucrats will become the masses by the process of defunding and laying-off. This is called, ironing the last wrinkle out of the system. There will be a short campaign of “discrediting ideological excesses.”

The last era of total degradation will be characterized by the slogan, “Total system efficiency is total neglect of the personal,” an updating of the feminist slogan “The personal is political.” The final authority will not be the political but the therapeutic. Therapists will eliminate the personal by matching a short list of syndromes with approved videos for reprogramming and dispensing pills.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


16 Responses to “After the final takeover”

  1. Vita Loggin says:

    Thanks for sharing. Share is caring after all.

  2. I am grateful to you for this good content. You truly did make my day :

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  5. Todd Spiegel says:

    Fascinating…and I agree pretty much with everything. Keep up the excellent work…I will certainly be back before long

  6. Very good stuff.

  7. Handyvertrag says:

    Lots of great information and inspiration, both of which we all need, thanks for this.

  8. Keith Sigers says:

    Interesting! But I alternative ideas personally. But I definitely support your right to think what you like.

    Nonsense. Liberals write speech codes, they don’t believe in free speech, and they aggressively exterminate those who disagree with them.

  9. I totally agree. That is precisely how I see it. Great!

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  11. I agree with you and it also surely going to help lots of people.

  12. ohh…nice publish but actually?/? 😛

    Actually, in their own words, as documented in the many posts.

  13. excellent writing .

  14. This is a very good post. I think this will help a lot of people, especially those who are young and are loooking for some solid advice.

    Continue the excellent work!

    Following on Facebook and Twitter!

  15. Terrific post, thanks. Can you expand on the third paragraph in a little more detail please?

    The second to last paragraph is what you are looking for. When the police state is run from a centralized computer and free speech is illegal, there will be no need for activists spouting Marxist slogans and acting up. They will be defunded. Stalin’s purges of loyal cadre are a historical precedent.

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