After Democracy

The Financial Times has offered a review of After Democracy by Emmanuel Todd. The reviewer, John Thornhill, doesn’t have much that is positive to say about Mr. Todd’s thesis, that only protectionism can save Europe’s social fabric, because Mr. Thornhill is devoted to globalism. Mr. Thornhill even offers the false analysis that protectionism caused the Great Depression and fueled the rise of Hitler. Such nonsense aside, even Mr. Thornhill offers a grudging acknowledgment that many of Mr. Todd’s observations about the current state of European disintegration under globalism are sound.

NWOU has not read After Democracy, and so we cannot entirely endorse its conclusions, but we are delighted to see at least one voice raised in Europe against the destructive effects of globalism. We particularly are drawn to Mr. Todd’s remark, “the collapse of religion and ideology has left behind an atomised society open to manipulations by the likes of Sarkozy.”

The atomization of society was of course the project of modern Marxism, to destroy culture and religion and leave everyone isolated and vulnerable to manipulation by a strong central government and socialist propaganda. Socialism has achieved its aim in Europe, so now democracy cannot really function as a representation of social and cultural interests. Instead we have the confused masses responding to the manipulative techniques of the Marxist psychologists and politicians, all of whom remain globalists even as the global economy is crashing. Someone in Europe has finally noticed that this is not a good state of affairs. We find this an occasion for optimism.

We also appreciate the observation, “Mr Todd paints a picture of a collusive political-media elite that benefits from globalisation while being disconnected from the people who suffer from it.”

“Mr Todd paints a picture of a collusive political-media elite that benefits from globalisation while being disconnected from the people who suffer from it.”

Amen. Globalism has enlisted the socialist elites of all nations in a common attitude of opposition toward the victims of globalization, and their socialist propaganda for this state of affairs is wearing thin as people increasingly face a desperate economic future.

Marco at European Tribune offers two reviews of After Democracy, side by side, one being the FT review and the other by Bertrand le Gendre from Le Monde. The comments at the end of this article are a reflection of the confusion of modernist thinkers who have been caught in a trap of modern values and cannot think their way out of it. Reading The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World would help them out of their confusion, but After Democracy is at least a start.

NWOU probably will not read After Democracy as we are satisfied with the soundness of our historical analysis in The Hidden Masters and have no need of confirmation of our views. We bring these reviews to the attention of our readers only for the purpose of reporting that a light has finally gone on in Europe about the destructive nature of globalism.

Mr. Todd seems to offer a nostalgia for nationalism, genuine society, and democracy that we do not share. We like the genuine local society party, but democratic government has shown itself to be corruptible in every aspect, including elections themselves, and we have no illusions that democracy can be anything more than a sham in the age of Marxist psychology. Nevertheless, a return to national leaders governing in the interest of the nation they represent would at least be a backward step in the right direction.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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