Aaron Russo interview with Rockefeller

Sometimes it’s best to get the plans for the New World Order directly from the mouth of the planners. Aaron Russo, a Hollywood film producer who also made the Freedom to Fascism documentary on the Federal Reserve and the IRS, interviewed Nicholas Rockefeller before Russo passed away in August of 2007. Rockefeller admits the plans to implant microchips in the population. He also explains how the Rockefellers planned and executed the feminist movement, and why. Links here and here.

NWOU has seen Freedom to Fascism. It’s a little slow. The point of it is, there really is no law by which the IRS can require taxes from workers because labor is exempted from taxation. Russo embarrassed the head of the IRS by confronting him with this fact during an interview. It is possible that you could avoid paying taxes on this basis, but NWOU doesn’t recommend it, even though U.S. courts have ruled in favor of the taxpayer when the IRS brought suit for nonpayment.

globalelite05_02.jpgTaxes aren’t our beat at NWOU. We are interested in helping feminists understand that they were manipulated by the global controllers. Feminism isn’t about “equality,” it’s about putting women in the workforce so they can be taxed, destroying the family, and putting children under the control of government child care programs so they can be brainwashed with globalist and socialist values. As if the public school system didn’t do a good enough job of that already.

NWOU wishes to add that the the global depopulation movement has been largely funded by the Rockefeller foundations and is today under the control of feminists associated with the Rockefellers.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


2 Responses to “Aaron Russo interview with Rockefeller”

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