A little resistance to the police state

WorldNetDaily (and many other websites) are carrying a report from Cryptohippie that attempts to rank countries by the extent and severity of their electronic policing capability. China ranks number one on the list, followed by North Korea. Britain was fifth and the United States was sixth.

The world map of police states is kind of interesting, but a closer look at the criteria used to evaluate surveillance capability indicates to us that some of these criteria don’t really matter much. Americans are not going to get excited about a “police state” until they understand how the ruling elites use the software and the databases to steal their assets.

The Mail reports on reaction to the growing police state in Britain. Fear, anxiety? Not really. Anger is the correct response. Righteous anger leading to citizen mobilization and resistance.

Slashdot picked up the Cryptohippie report and noted that the raw data indicated that the United States ranks third. The Comments on Slashdot included one pointing out that this survey was probably a marketing tool for Cryptohippie’s services. Another Comment suggested that we should be monitoring our public officials electronically to see what kinds of deals they are making. Slashdot’s Comments can give you a cross-section of public opinion, from fear to debunking the survey. We’ll give Cryptohippie points for bringing the emerging electronic police state to the attention of the public even as we recognize that any statistical measures of police state progress are going to be flawed. We are pleased that others are noticing this ominous trend.

In a related story, NewsMax reports on a study from George Mason University ranking the states according to freedoms. No surprise, the most liberal states are the least free. This story includes some valuable details if you are thinking of moving toward freedom. Moonbattery also picked up this story and offers harsher rhetoric against liberal policies. NWOU is a little distressed at the vulgarity of the Comments at Moonbattery, and what appears to be a genius for missing the point. This stream of invective supports our prejudice, that the Left and Right are simply living in different worlds and really want nothing to do with each other.

NWOU believes we have reached a tipping point where the states rights movement is meeting a desire to migrate to conservative states.

WorldNetDaily has a progress report on state resistance to the federal government.

The Christian Science Monitor has a map of states that are rebelling against the federal government.

Nullification: Any law infringing on the state’s right to self govern would trigger the dissolution of the nation: “All powers previously delegated to the United States of America by the Constitution … shall revert to the several states individually.”

Karen de Coster has an article at LewRockwell that may be of interest.

Oklahoma, Montana, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, Vermont, and South Carolina have passed states rights legislation.

The next step is secession, or nullification of the Constitution.

TexasSecession has a gubernatorial candidate prepared to take Texas out of the union.

The American Secession Project provides links to various local secession movements.

Tenth Amendment Center is a website devoted to news about states rights.

NWOU says, it’s about time. Let freedom ring.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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