A good reason to boycott Absolut vodka

It’s not just the Marxists who want a New World Order. The global capitalists are in on the game and in most cases are taking the lead through the formation of “free” trade associations. Here is an ad for Absolut vodka showing the capitalist support for Communist aspirations–the reconquest of southwestern states and their reintegration into Mexico.


About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


3 Responses to “A good reason to boycott Absolut vodka”

  1. James Raymond…

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  2. Wonderful blog post. I’am not the type of guy who often blog posts, but i want to know where you get your data from?

    I read over 500 scholarly books on history before writing The Hidden Masters. I had to research the history of many nations and cultures to uncover the hidden history. It took seven years of full-time research. Once I discovered the New World Order conspiracy emerging from the agenda of the secret societies and global Communism, it became relatively easy to find current news reports on various aspects of the takeover. The blog focuses on current events, and these sources are in the posts. For some reason unknown to me, people accept journalism as more authoritative than historical scholarship. That may be because most people don’t read scholarly history books, or at least they don’t read the right books. I found the right books simply by noting books in scholarly bibliographies, reading, then reading further to resolve conflicting opinions. After a few years of this search, I hit a gold mine of the right books. Most of the scholarly books I read were published after 1990. But nobody had put the whole hidden history together, so I wrote The Hidden Masters. Most people don’t have the luxury of spending seven years reading history books every day. Now they don’t have to, the whole history is in one book. The information is in libraries, but most people don’t know where to look for it because the schools and the media are now taken over.

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