The Secret Society of Moses, Part 2

Review of Flavio Barbiero, The Secret Society of Moses: The Mosaic Bloodline and a Conspiracy Spanning Three Millennia, Inner Traditions, 2010

One of Barbiero’s most interesting points is the fluidity of personal identity during the Roman era. Barbiero believes most Roman elites were Christian by the second century AD, but they avoided declaring their Christianity publicly (through baptism) until appointed to high offices. There are many documented cases of Jews and Mithraites “suddenly converting” to Christianity upon being appointed pope or cardinal or emperor. These cases support Barbiero’s theory of a secret society pulling strings behind the scenes to benefit members whose identity is a secret.

The Sol Invictus cult was the shadow government of Rome until 396, when worship of the sun was declared illegal. Barbiero believes the followers of Sol Invictus abandoned their Mithraic sanctuaries but preserved their organization as Freemasonry by changing the name of God to Great Architect of the Universe. The sun symbolism of Mithra is omnipresent in both Freemasonry and the Catholic church.

The conversion of European natives to the Catholic faith was done Jew-style, with “convert or die” being the alternatives in many cases. Atrocities and genocides marked this period of conversion, just as in Israel in the Hebrew Bible. There was nothing really Christian about the conversion jihad, and there was nothing very Christian about the Catholic popes. Barbiero characterizes the early Middle Ages in Europe as a reconstruction of Judah under the Hasmonean dynasty, with a small number of elite families using religion to rule over slaves. With the Carolingian dynasty, the priestly families began to take control over the military power from the European barbarian tribes that had fought for Rome. Abbeys in medieval Europe were places where soldiers were trained, and bishops held military as well as legal powers.

European kings were mostly of the Flavian priestly bloodline. Many European kings called themselves the “new David,” conquering Israel’s enemies for the chosen people. Some were given the Maccabean nickname “Hammer” after military victories. Barbiero names certain families who carried the bloodline for centuries, including Anjou, Plantagenet, and the Merovingians.

The early Middle Ages were a prime era of tolerance of Jews. Resistance to the Jews only arose among the common people, not the elites, who invited the Jews to court and rewarded them with trading monopolies and other special privileges. Local peasant uprisings against the Jews were met with official military force. When Charlemagne was crowned emperor, a delegation from Jerusalem came to pay him homage and gave him the keys to the holy sepalchure. Why would they do such a thing unless there was some family tie to the Jewish priesthood? Under Charlemagne, all the bishops were also Freemasons. Charlemagne convened the Freemasons once a year to discuss current affairs. Does this sound like the Bilderberg group today?

The evidence that the ruling houses of Europe during the Middle Ages were Jewish is quite striking. All of the early popes for several hundred years adopted Jewish symbolism on their heraldry. The same is true for all of Europe’s royal dynasties. The lion (of Judah), the dragon, the harp, the twin towers, five-pointed star, star of David, palm tree, bees, tree with serpent, the dragon, and the lily are Jewish symbols decorating Europe’s royal heraldry. Europe’s royalty would not have copied these symbols from the Jews; they indicate common ancestry of powerful families.

The formation of Christian military orders—The Knights Templar, the Knights Hospitaller, the Teutonic Knights—were all under the control of the Jews, and these organizations were devoted to the defense of Jerusalem. The Templars revived the rituals of Sol Invictus Mithras and were given total freedom of operation in Palestine. The Crusades were a Jewish operation as well. Otherwise there was no motive for Christian kings and popes to finance armies to take Jerusalem.

The era of Jewish tolerance finally cracked in 1492, when Grenada fell and the Aragons expelled the Jews from Spain. Many Jews fled to Rome, where they were welcomed by the pope. From this time there arose some European kings who opposed the Jews and tried to keep them out of their countries as the Jews were known to be ingratiating, then subversive in their lust for power.

The Venetian black nobility were Jewish priestly family. Their symbol was the dragon.

Barbiero believes Freemasonry was organized during the time of the Sol Invictus Mithra cult in Rome. Freemasonry contains both Jewish and Mithraic symbols. The checkered floor of Freemasonry is the same pattern in the Holy of Holies of the Jerusalem Temple. Masonic initiation rites are entirely concerned with events occurring in Judea around the Temple. Barbiero points out that these stories, which do not appear in the Hebrew Bible, constitute a “second line of Jewish history” that does not appear in the Hebrew Bible but needed to be preserved so that future generations would understand the models by which elite Jews control Gentiles and their own slaves, the Jewish people.

The Medicis’ portraits were painted with masonic symbols in the background.

Barbiero offers DNA evidence showing that there is such a thing as the Jewish pristly chromosome. It is called the Cohanim chromosome, and it is present in about 20 percent of the Christian population of Europe. Cohens, Khans, Kagens and similar names are carriers of this unique DNA.

There is no stationery in the archives with Secret Society of Moses on the letterhead. Flavio Barbieri has imagined that such a secret society might have existed from Hasmonean survivors taken into Rome, with the motivation to maintain their wealth and privilege using religion as a control mechanism as they did in Israel. His theory has changed how we look at late Roman history and the Middle Ages in Europe. Why would we think that the Jewish program of infiltration and undermining of European institutions is limited to our modern experience with Zionism, Communism, Cultural Marxism, and the satanic takeover of the papacy?

We commend Flavio Barbiero on his research, and we appreciate bringing to our attention the Jewish model of governance: A centralized temple, with or without a king, toward which the wealth of the society flows for the benefit of the priesthood and a small aristocracy, with the rest of society enslaved by Mosaic (or Catholic or Communist) law. The Jews have projected this model forward as the culminating dream of their historical struggle for world domination. Today it is called the New World Order.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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