News for June 10, 2018

In spite of opposition pressure from Germany and France, Italy has managed to form a new government under Giuseppe Conte.

Lega party popularity is soaring.

Italy’s new finance minister says Germany should get out of the euro—too much competitive advantage. That is not going to happen, but we like the rhetorical challenges. The victory of Trump-style populism in Italy’s election is going to be the event that breaks the European Union.

EU Secretary of State for Migration Theo Franken throws in the towel, now wants to stop African migration. Suddenly George Soros wants the EU to fund African nations with 30 billion euros to halt immigration, and Merkel is pushing the Soros plan as a result of the populist victory in Italy’s election. Even though Merkel is changing policy, that doesn’t mean she should escape punishment for treason.

David Haggith has a pretty good analysis of the Italian election outcome and its implications for Merkel and the EU.

The European Union is a parasite bureaucracy, and it’s not even that rich today. The EU is counting on billions flowing its way from the Brexit agreement, and it has announced planned budget cuts for the Visegrad nations that have refused to take in immigrants.

Sweden’s anti-immigration party takes first place in latest poll. The times they are a’changin.


Austria plans to shut down 7 mosques and expel jihadi imams.

Czech Republic rejects Merkel’s immigration quotas.

Angela Merkel contributed 5 million euros to the Clinton Foundation while Hillary was campaigning for president. We are not suggesting that Germany’s interference in the U.S. election is a strong motive for Trump to impose tariffs on Germany’s exports to the United States as Germany’s economic advantage is enough reason to do so.

Alexander Garland of AfD makes a few strange remarks about Nazism. We don’t think this is going to amount to anything in the long run, but it is interesting that he has bought into the Holohoax.


Germany’s legal status as a nation remains tied to World War II surrender by the top military staff but not the government. The Nuremberg trials were military tribunals, not common law courts. Learn more about Germany’s occupied status at 20th Century Truth.

A look at Germany’s shrinking population (1.4 children per fertile woman, far below replacement level).

EU readies retaliatory tariffs on United States.

Robert Farago characterizes Mexico as a failed state and notices that the United States is arming its military while the population is suffering under gun control. As if things in Mexico weren’t bad enough, a Communist is leading in the election campaign, and a Communist victory in Mexico means more Mexicans fleeing to the United States. This threat makes border control issues even more important, right now.

Israel is selling nuclear information to Saudi Arabia as the Saudis are seeking nuclear weapons.

A port strike is crippling Iran’s economy. This is how regime change starts, right John Bolton? Bijou Khajehpour on Iran’s banking crisis.

Pepe Escobar has been a pretty astute observer of New World Order geopolitics for many years. Here he reveals several international agreements that are tilting Iran and Europe toward China and Russia, producing institutions that are particularly favorable to China’s global initiatives.

Starbucks applies Communist brainwashing techniques to its employees. Jew capitalism isn’t much different from Jew Communism.

Facebook shared user data with Chinese Communist firms characterized as a security threat. How does Facebook get away with this stuff?

Why the Fukushima nuclear disaster presents the greatest threat to human health on the planet.

We haven’t looked at Time magazine for about 30 years, so imagine our surprise to find Time being concerned about corruption in the FBI and doing a pretty good job of describing the problems.

How Obama allowed sexual predators to enter government offices. How Obama condemned immigrant children to sexual slavery.

Secret Service arrests NSC contractor at White House. This was an attempted assassination of President Trump.

Lisa Haven notices that the Council on Foreign Relations believes Americans should be propagandized:

L. Todd Wood explains why the Obama administration was so corrupt without actually mentioning many of their most corrupt acts.

American Greatness has a few well-chosen words for the Democrats still clinging to Hillary.

How Christians got duped into Christian Zionism.

Melinda Gates says her new business startup fund will discriminate against white guys because businesswomen are such great innovators.

Whoever is putting together the Muslim de-radicalization programs in England isn’t doing a very good job.

Michael Barone updates the culture war scorecard.


Tobias Langdon exposes fallacious thinking behind the destroy white people movement. If all races are equal, how can the white race be evil and the blacks good?

But of course the races are not equal. There are no successful black nations. The extreme poverty in Africa while the rest of the world has been developing has stimulated the Left to recolonize Africa. Those Who Can See has produced an impressive two-part essay, Part 1 focusing on the globalists’ proposals to curb corruption by African politicians by controlling their banks and governments, and Part 2 focusing on racial differences that hinder Africa’s economic and cultural development. Kudos for important reporting.

Texit: How and Why Texas Will Leave the Union is a serious book, reviewed at Men of the West. Secession seems like a better solution than civil war, but the problem is that no president wants it on his watch. The republican revolutions and socialist revolutions were designed to be final solutions, no escape. It’s time to break the mold.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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