News for March 5, 2018

Worst news first: Frau Merkel’s coalition has approved the governing agreement, which allows Merkel to continue to terrorize the German people.

The opposition parties got about half the votes in the Italian election last weekend, so it is possible that they could form a government. Tyler Durden outlines what might happen next.

Israel is partnering with Google and You-Tube to censor videos of conflict in Palestine.

The United States, Japan, India, and Australia are forming an alliance to counter China’s Belt and Road initiative. This feels like too little, too late. And, Japan could easily pivot to China.

Untitled-1-4Natural News, Alex Jones, Richie Allen banned from You-Tube. The Left is devoted to censorship, and this is only going to get worse.

Public Citizen wrote up a report on all the negative effects from NAFTA—a million jobs lost, lower wages for U.S. workers, attacks on U.S. safety and environmental standards, etc. Trump says he’ll pull the U.S. out of NAFTA if it doesn’t get fixed by the present round of negotiations. It doesn’t look like NAFTA is getting fixed from the present round of negotiations.

An interesting look at retail stores that are closing branches or going out of business.

San Francisco and Los Angeles have turned into shitholes, joining Philadelphia, Detroit, and other large cities governed by liberals. San Francisco just spent $30 million cleaning up the feces, urine, and garbage from its streets. We wonder what they will do when there are no millions to clean up their mess?

Luke Rosiak reports on the careful handling of the Imran Awan case, indicating the fix is in.

How the Jews are using marketing strategies to get whites to accept their genocide.

A Jew looks at the Alt-Right, at You-Tube.

Mike Walsh investigates the Cheka and notices it was Jewish.

Another example of corruption at the Food and Drug Administration.

This post starts out as a survey of corporations that have joined the gun-control bandwagon, and then turns into a passionate editorial regarding our present state of affairs. Very enjoyable reading, but somebody should tell the author that the Florida shooting was a false flag, probably planned by the FBI and certainly carried out by the Broward county police.

policewithmuslimsmeme02Swedes are arming themselves and engaging in gun battles in the streets with the Moslems.

The media are covering up high rates of anal cancer connected with anal sex as part of their agenda to normalize gay sex.

According to the gnostics, the gnostics were queer. The Jewish priests called Qadesh were also queer.

What is adrenochrome harvesting? Check out this video at You-Tube. If you don’t believe satanists engage in the practice of child sacrifices, see this report from the British government.

The Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust has educational materials and news at their website.

We are recommending Trotsky’s White Negroes: The Censored Holocaust by Mike Walsh. How the Commie Jews murdered 70 million Russians and called it “class warfare.” offers a list of men who were, or are, 33rd degree Freemasons. Among U.S. presidents, they say, only Lincoln and Kennedy were not Freemasons. However, John Quincy Adams was active in forming the anti-Masonry Party, so he also might not have been a mason.

Masonic sex parties in America? Yep, check it out at You-Tube.

Looking for an online library devoted to nationalist topics? Try Metapedia. Anti-Matrix is one of the best sources on the Jewish question.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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