Immigration moves to center stage

Immigration has moved to the center of Europe’s political agenda. The issue is turning Europeans toward the New Right parties just as Europe enters election season.

“It is only whites who think it may be “racist” to preserve their people and culture.”

Let’s briefly review. New Right parties and anti-immigrant blogs formed decades ago in response to forced immigration and the cultural incompatibility of Moslems and Africans with the native European culture. This was just a small movement opposing European Union takeover and displacement of the white population until the global economy crashed last fall. The first, obvious response to news of the crimes of the bankers was Communist mobilization of labor unions to protest bailouts for bankers but none for workers. The recession forced a slowdown in New World Order cooperation in Europe, despite much rhetoric to the contrary by Europe’s presidents. The combination of declining profits and threats of bankruptcy forced Europe’s leaders toward more protectionist policies and allocation of state funds to aid the newly unemployed. Working class consciousness then turned toward the threat of immigrants taking European jobs and forced changes in immigration policies. It appears from the polls that workers who formerly voted socialist are moving toward support for New Right parties in upcoming elections.

Of course many Europeans have already voted with their feet. In 2006 The Telegraph ran a story about outmigration from Britain even during good economic times. One out of ten Brits has already left Britain. The Telegraph put a smiley face on the story, but if you read patriotic English blogs you will get a sense of the frustration patriotic Brits have with socialism and multiculturalism. England is the most advanced socialist police state in Europe.

Brussels Journal has a nice piece on the state of English politics at the moment.

Catch up with the British National Party and its issues on the eve of European Parliamentary elections at their website.

While catching up on this subject it will be helpful if you are able to grasp in advance that immigration is a plan by the Left to destroy white culture and displace white Europeans rather than a “distressed response to labor shortages” or some utopian borderless Europe vision of future wealth and stability. The Left always plays its strategies by stealth at first, then has a tendency to overplay their hand, sparking belated resistance. The resistance is then shouted down by propaganda slogans.

The Daily Express reported last year that a secret Africa-EU partnership deal signed in late 2007 agreed to import 50 million Africans into Europe. The secret deal broke into the news 10 months later and mobilized public outrage. It’s not just Labour’s corruption and support for the bank bailouts that is bringing Brown’s government down. Secret deals such as this one show that Labour is governing against the British people and for the New World Order.

Unfortunately, the Conservatives, who stand to benefit from Labour’s fall in the polls, appear clueless and untrustworthy, just like the Republicans in the United States. The problem is, the variety of New Right parties will compete with each other for votes, and the resulting splits will favor the Conservatives, assuming all plays out according to the present pattern.

Spain’s high unemployment rate, now over 17 percent, is also sparking a switch in immigration policy. Spain’s response has turned from paying migrant workers to leave Spain to now arresting and deporting migrants. The lesson from Spain is that New World Order immigration can really flourish during good economic times. Only native outrage at job losses to immigrants during recession halts the New World Order takeover plans.

NWOU would like to give you a flavor of native nationalist thinking by referring you to individual nationalist European blogs, but we have a small problem with profanity and the kind of anger that results from New World Order multiculturalist betrayal. Here is one example, Viking Observer, dedicated to the problems Moslems cause as they clash with the native Scandinavians. You can do a search yourself if you want to sample the local hostility to EU betrayal of Europe’s white culture.

Vijay Prozak has a nice article on surviving multiculturalism. Prozak’s essay provides an accurate description of the attitudes and cultural norms that cosmopolitan multiculturalism produces as a substitute for genuine culture. Multiculturalism cannot really provide a “cultural peace” or cultural common denominator. The response to multiculturalism appears to be historically universal if we recall the decadence of the Romans. One’s response becomes individualism, preoccupation with adornment, fads, and flattery. Culture gets expressed as pseudocultural extravaganzas designed to dazzle the senses. Too bad the Romans didn’t have our modern special effects. Pagan degeneracy is the default culture of the Left. And pagan degeneracy requires money. Prozak is struggling toward rescuing an authentic culture from the progressive, corporate, multicultural ruins. He hasn’t quite got a handle on it, and either have we.

James Lewis at The American Thinker is also struggling to find a response strategy to Obama’s watershed election and what it means for white Americans. Lewis has figured out that racial identity politics really is a sign of a deeper racial struggle against white people and white culture. He doesn’t seem to have the benefit of New World Order history to understand that this takeover is coordinated and originated in Communism. Lewis strikes us as a conservative who hasn’t quite gone to the next step but at least can recognize that he is now powerless.

Jared Taylor analyzes the myth of diversity, its faultlines, double standards, and tensions.

Sam Francis examines the diversity industry and the strategies for undermining white culture.

Edmund Connelly notes that the Harvard University student body now consists of 25 percent whites, and affirmative action programs now have advanced to the point of excluding white males. Connelly has moved beyond concepts of “representation” or “fairness” to discover that there isn’t going to be any rebalancing of the anti-white assault. Connelly has sobered up to the reality of the exclusion of white males from positions of power. So have we.

A review of The Affirmative Action Hoax by Steve Farron from 2005 digs into racial IQ differences, closing the gap between black and white achievement in schools, SAT test results, and other old stuff that doesn’t really matter once you grasp the planned racial takeover from immigration being practiced both in Europe and the United States.

Glenn Spencer at The Minuteman Project believes illegal immigration caused California’s budget deficits. Moreover, Americans will leave California as it becomes poorer, while immigrants will stay. Also at this site, how immigrants qualify for welfare.

The U.S. unemployment rate is rising dramatically, except for Hispanics.

English oil workers are on strike protesting immigrant labor. The Australian government announced it is restricting foreign labor due to higher unemployment rates and worker resentment.

Italy recently passed an anti-immigration law. The UN doesn’t like Italy’s law.

In Spain, a court ruled against the exhibition of crucifixes in Spanish classrooms. Multiculturalism doesn’t include tolerance for culture or religion.

Toronto has its own problems with multiculturalism.

A Lefty tried to write a few kind words about white males “voluntarily surrendering power” in 1979. The problem with this line of thinking is, 30 years ago the vast majority of white men were not in any position of privilege, nor were they responsible for any historical claims of racial grievance. Thirty years later, white males are in worse shape.

As the Left consolidates its power under the Obama administration, we can expect further discrimination against whites and ever more repressive restrictions on free speech to silence any dissent. In England, they are taking this control over speech to the level of monitoring speech in grade schools. Children as young as three years old are being reported for racist speech. Make no mistake, multiculturalism and affirmative action are total control programs.

President Obama’s nomineee to the Supreme Court, Sonia Sotomayor, is a member of the National Council of La Raza, the Communist racial superiority group that lobbies for more Mexican immigration into the southwestern United States and the reconquest of those states that formerly were Mexican territories. Californians who perceive the reality of the takeover and advocate leaving will be playing into the hands of the Communist New World Order.

Should whites migrate out of California and leave the state to the corrupt liberals? Will California devolve into a Third World territory pursuing pro-Mexican policies? Will California’s culture become entirely taken over by the rough culture of Mexican gangs that thrive in California’s cities?

NWOU isn’t exactly sure, but we do know it’s later than you think, the trend lines are firmly in place, and suddenly Europe’s rising opposition to the New World Order takeover is making Europe more appealing as a nationalist and white homeland where anti-white Communist subversion may be opposed.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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