Charlottesville was rigged

If you wanted to hold a white nationalist rally, why would you do it in a city the mayor declares to be “a capital of the resistance” to Trump?

Steve Pieczenik profiles Richard Spencer and Charlottesville Mayor Michael Signer, who previously worked for John Podesta and Barack Obama. Pieczenik believes both men were cooperating with the CIA and/or the FBI. While it’s difficult to prove exactly who is an agent, it’s well known the Alt-Right is infiltrated by government agents. Jason Kessler, an organizer who claimed to be Alt-Right, was active in the Occupy Wall Street movement until a year ago.

Signer and Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe declared a state of emergency and cancelled the demonstator’s permits to assemble, then ordered the police to stand down as the Alt-Right moved away from the park toward Antifa.

Eyewitness timeline.

Brennan Gilmore is the guy who filmed the car crash. Brennan and the film itself are fishy, as if he had advance knowledge that a car would be driving to that spot. Brennan Gilmore worked in Africa as a Department of State foreign service officer. Hmmm.

Early reporting indicates the driver, James Fields, was not a Nazi sympathizer but a Hillary supporter. Reports have circulated that he is mentally ill. Sounds like a perfect patsy.

Best video we’ve seen:

The driver was not James A. Fields, he was James G. Fields. It appears there were 2 different cars.

American Everyman makes a few good points about this psy-op:

The point of the psy-op is to discredit white nationalists as Nazis and take away their free speech rights. Real Nazis (Aryan Brotherhood, Nazi biker gangs) were nowhere to be seen at the rally.

This was a staged event with professional crisis actors and government agents.

The white nationalist movement isn’t well enough funded or organized to form a political party. It’s a diverse group of people lacking a common ideology and a leader. As the Alt-Right takes its form, we should be seeing more opinion pieces like this one:

9 Reasons Nazism Should Be Kept Out of the Masculine Right

Antifa is much better funded and organized. George Soros is paying $25 an hour for street demonstrators, and he has the support of the deep state and the Democratic Party as well as Communist and Socialist organizations. Recognize what you are up against, and be tactical. Be safe.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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