What we can learn from feminism and multiculturalism

NWOU doesn’t keep up with feminism, but today we are going to talk about it a little bit because we need to discuss the effects of feminism and multiculturalism for beginners before we can move to a discussion of alternative futures. People who are caught up in New World Order propaganda usually adopt some version of feminism and multiculturalism as rationalizations that this order will lead to peace, progress, human rights, improved living standards, universal justice, equality, or some other illusory abstract value. Both feminism and multiculturalism are Communist programs of social and cultural destruction designed to form an Iron Cage of propaganda values to enlist naive dupes into working for world enslavement under Communist world government.

The greatest penetration of Communism in America occurred during the administration of Franklin Roosevelt. Several cabinet officials in the Roosevelt administration were Communist spies who reported to Stalin. To grasp this history, if you are unfamiliar with it, visit our Book Review section and read.

The second greatest penetration of Communism occurred under feminism beginning in the 1960s. Feminist heroines such as Simone de Beauvoir were Communists. Simone de Beauvoir was the mistress or girlfriend of Jean-Paul Sartre, the French Communist. She procured young girls for Sartre’s pleasure, until Sartre lost interest in her. This story should be the master myth of feminism, but it isn’t. Communists are not always promiscuous, but Communists favor the sexual freedom movement as it directly targets the two main obstacles to Communist takeover, the family and religion.

We discuss the complex of feminism, Freemasonry, psychoanalysis, satanism, goddess matriarchy, birth control and abortion, hippie, eugenics, population reduction, and modern art that formed in the 1920s in The Hidden Masters and will not review this material here.

In retrospect it is almost unbelievable to consider that an entire generation of American women came to believe that blacks, foreign minority groups, and homosexuals were their natural allies and white males were their political enemy. But that’s what happened. These feminists seem impervious to historical and rational arguments against their position, so we won’t bother trying to convert them with logic or history. Nothing in this essay is addressed to feminists as we consider them beyond saving.

Moreover, we aren’t much interested in stories about feminist conversions or statistics about social breakdown due to feminism. If you haven’t figured this out by now, we are not going to convince you of anything.

Surfing around the net we come across stories involving feminism, women’s issues, women’s problems. We are sure there is a steady supply of “social science” studies by feminists and self-help articles in every drugstore magazine. We confess to not being interested in the subject. Recently the New York Times Magazine ran an article on single mothers. John Young’s blog has an article on domestic violence and “gender fairness” in California court rulings. The Mail asks, why are women so angry? Because they fell for the false promises of feminism? John Leo got a little man’s anger back in 2002 about anti-male bias. We are easily convinced that men and women are angry at each other. The only new thing we’ve seen lately is this blog from Wendy McElroy called The Marriage Strike.

Remember all those bitter jokes you’ve seen on TV about men’s inability to commit to marriage? McElroy puts this phenomenon into statistics and the context of feminism. Turns out there is a real fear of marriage among men because the law is anti-male and anti-father. McElroy documents this as a real phenomenon and a rational response to feminism’s takeover of the law. McElroy has something called the Equal Justice Foundation. We are aware that fathers are trying to get equal justice under the law, we just don’t believe that any concept of equal justice under law will solve the problems feminism causes. The knot is so deep it can’t be unraveled, in our humble opinion. But we wish the equal rights advocates success.

The law is not going to solve this social and cultural problem because the law represents individual competing interests rather than the harmony of marriage as a social and cultural institution. The law does not consist of “eternal” statutes but is in a constant state of flux from creative legal challenges that create new rights. These court cases are then universalized temporarily until the next challenge comes along. The law is constantly in flux and can be taken over by Marxism and feminism. People won’t be happier if they get more something from individual court cases when they live in a social context dominated by the destructive arrow of Marxism. The law is so corrupt and confused that it should be avoided at all costs. Reform of the law is not going to succeed in undoing the mess of confusion that Marxism causes, and there isn’t going to be some sudden awakening of the masses who now think in terms of rights and feminist slogans.

The overwhelming reality for everyone is that feminism has been encoded into law and forms the basis for hiring and promotion policies at corporations and government bureaucracies. Every male needs to cope with this propaganda stream and the accompanying whining and sloganeering that forms the basis for women’s everyday discourse. Every male understands victimization, cultivated hypersensitivity, sexual harassment hysteria, etc. as part of the strategic pollution that accompanies study and work. You adjust to it as best you can, but you can’t escape it. All we want to say about this is, it is wonderful to escape from the bureaucracy because you don’t have to pay attention to it any more.

Amazingly, little has changed over the past 40 years.You would think that males would organize against feminism as there are so many unsung male victims of feminism, now spreading from bureaucratic discrimination to domestic violence and divorce laws. Males might look around for a society not infected with Communism, but they are hard to find. One would think that tribal societies might provide some point of exile and relief, but tribal societies also are generally taken over by feminism and multiculturalism. How deep in the jungle do you want to go to escape from Marxist corruption of institutions?

We have looked for a good theoretical defense of multiculturalism, but we haven’t found one. In fact academics who write on the subject quickly discover the problem of cultural incompatibility. These “studies” usually default to the idea of equality of cultures, which is entirely a bogus idea, as a defense for multiculturalism. This idea of equality also is the foundation of modern anthropology, which further reinforces cultural studies at the mass education level. Equality is a Marxist slogan for social destruction. Marxism always destroys culture, despite any modern posturing to the contrary.

For an example of multiculturalism according to Neomarxist “theory,” you can check out this article at Eurozine. To understand how multiculturalism operates in the United States, see N.I.V. Horror Stories. Another effect of multiculturalism occurs when small communities get swamped with large numbers of immigrants. These small towns usually surrender to the foreigners. The whites move out because of cultural incompatibility when the budget breaks down under the stress of too many new demands. Part of the story of migration is white migration to avoid cultural contamination and bankruptcy.

Multiculturalism is modeled on the domination of minorities in the Soviet Union. The key to success for the Marxists is to appoint phony Marxist spokesmen for minority groups and prop them up so that they appear to be legitimate leaders. They organize racial pressure groups to demonstrate and lobby for a position at the multicultural table. The success of this effort has also been encoded into law, or at least into bureaucratic policies with regard to education, health care, voting, and immigration during the past three administrations.

To the Right this looks like cultural takeover, and they are correct about this. To the Left it appears as legitimate aspirations for equality. Fine, but the cultures aren’t equal or they all would have developed robust economies, universities, etc. and everybody could stay home and be culturally equal. The Left can only believe in multiculturalism (“diversity is good”) if they ignore the national racial and cultural aspirations of peoples located in other countries and embrace a worldwide mixing of peoples. Basically the Left tries to commandeer access to white civilization while undermining it. But one can only embrace a worldwide mixing of peoples by negotiating cultural differences and arriving at a universal standard. So far the Left has failed to come up with a satisfactory universal standard. But no one really pays attention to this issue except for Communist theoreticians at the United Nations bureaucracies. The Left remains wedded to a model of cultural integration because its chief goal under the plan of the New World Order is to abolish borders, national identities, and cultures to form a global pseudosociety under its control. The Left’s real universal standard is intimidation and terror.

Let’s rename this Marxist goal “the equality of cultural and racial cosmopolitanism.” Its sign is a Trinity of white female, black male, and one other neutralized human unit, which sometimes is homosexual, sometimes Asian, etc. This sign appears in textbooks, by mandate of Communist UN education programs passed through the Department of Education, and it appears on TV at newsdesks and in happy-neighbor advertising, where the minority or the woman is the source of knowledge and authority and the white male is clueless at first but learns to go along with them.

As long as this sign of the Trinity can be normalized, the Marxist work of multicultural takeover can proceed, to infinity, regardless of actual differences and competition among the colonized feminists, blacks, homosexuals, and racial and cultural outsiders.

Leaving media and book imagery, the reality on the ground is that immigration swamps communities and destroys the American white cultural heritage, which also is fine with the Left. The peculiar position of white Lefties under this colonization is that they only tepidly embrace any particular cultural or sexual cultural quality and are always one-down to the authority of the Trinity. White liberal men have identity issues and are unstable psychologically. We assume this accounts for the escapism, drugs, psychological breakdown, and lack of will of liberal white men. They also seem a little too angry to us. It may be that the greatest product of Marxism is permanent anger and disillusionment.

Conservatives protest social breakdown, crime, drugs, and the gangs that always accompany cultural migrations, but they don’t seem to be getting anywhere with their argument. The Left ignores the argument and relishes the social and cultural breakdown.

What is noteworthy about this state of affairs, which appears to be relatively unique in history, is that everyone sort of accepts it without doing anything about it. One weakness of the Right is its lack of compelling cultural models to compete with cosmopolitanism. The Right, and the white race in general, is so severely divided that we cannot imagine a white cultural renaissance or the revitalization of white society through increased birth rates. It appears the white race is “committing suicide,” when what is really happening is a Communist multicultural takeover as whites adopt Communist values and even pursue strategies compatible with New World Order subversion. This state of affairs is reflected politically in the split between the New World Order Right and the accumulating faction that now understands it has been betrayed by Republicans carrying out New World Order socialist policies.

For the racial minorities, the opportunity to escape from poor conditions and enter the multicultural mainstream of American institutions appears to be a gift from heaven. Their Leftist thinking is understandible if one considers the rapacious nature of corporate capitalism in their native lands. We have no idea how to break the appeal of Marxist propaganda to minorities, particularly when illegal immigrants are rewarded in many ways when they enter the United States. The situation is that many Latin American countries are controlled by Communist parties or the Communist/drug gang alliance, so escape from poverty and oppression is just a natural human instinct that cannot be denied. However, the migration strategy itself destroys culture and any possibility of building up a strong national economy and culture. This migration strategy of the Left is working so well on so many levels that we can only expect migrations to increase under the New World Order.

As long as the Left supports festival days, these people may imagine that they are being supported culturally by the Left rather than destroyed by the Left. The Left always destroys culture and has no culture of its own, except statues of Lenin and Stalin and a small literature industry that writes simple-minded Marxist novels and makes Hollywood movies.

The lie of cultural equality is proven by the superior knowledge base and technology of the Europeans. The minorities and the feminists want access to the wealth-producing power of the white cultural heritage without acknowledging it as white by branding it as oppressive. One by-product of this movement of foreign races into U.S. institutions is that those left behind, those who do not qualify, the lower classes of the races, express resentment against their more successful cosmopolitan brothers, further splitting the races and making racial and cultural unity more difficult. As science and technology spread around the globe, the heritage become less “white” and more “multicultural” while retaining their universalist nature. This fact of history can be used as an argument for genuine nation-based racial identities under “modernization” that rejects both Communist and monopoly capitalist conflict over controlling the world order.

Also we should point out that the terms of our discourse, which are taken from popular discourse, are not sophisticated enough to describe interracial and intercultural conflicts. Science tells us there is no such thing as race, one needs to do analysis in terms of clines (smaller units), and one needs to do sociological analysis of all these groups to break analysis into more meaningful units.

But our goal is not to do a sociological analysis of the whole world, our goal is to explain how the cosmopolitan culture is a death trap for those who view it as progress. Our analysis is aimed at individuals of all races, sexes, and economic strata because any more it is only individuals left in the rootless and competitive mass pseudosociety. Yes, families form, but families do not look to kinship or cultural authorities, they look to secular cultural or legal authorities and a more or less universal belief in “human rights.” One has to search hard for a genuine culture, a genuine society, and a genuine line of cultural authority in the modern world. In that sense, the takeover is pretty much complete.

The secondary source of authority, the nation, must also be destroyed for the global takeover to succeed. That is why the Clintons and the Bushes spend so much time on negotiations for the North American Union and its integration with the European Union. Multiculturalism could work in the United States as a “melting pot” of similar cultures with closed borders featuring discrete cultural groupings peacefully negotiating differences, but that is not what the Marxists and multinational corporate monopolists want. They want to erase borders and control world regions under the model of Soviet control over the Russian minorities.

To understand how the UN human rights agenda acts to destroy cultures and families, see the articles at The United Families International Blog.

The essential difference between the reality and the propaganda is that the masses believe in a “human family” or “family of man” as a result of democratic propaganda whereas the family advocates believe in actual families located in actual cultures.

The dilemma for every individual under this geopolitical state of affairs is whether to go along with New World Order multiculturalism and be taken over by the arid Left or to find some other alternative. The majority of people are going to join the multicultural Left because it is almost the only ticket into a job, an income, credit, an education, a passport, an official identity. Those who don’t want to be taken over and work for the global Communist order find solutions in small business, freelance work, or some similar tentative connection to “the system.” Others seek exile abroad as relief from Leftist oppression, but the difficulty of exile is finding a like-minded community strong enough to survive the coming onslaught.

As time goes by, the system will seek out and destroy these marginal solutions. They will legislate requirements that make any separate identity (“freedom”) impossible.

We are here to help you understand the state of the takeover and to suggest possible survival alternatives. But you can’t proceed with us along this line of thinking unless you have some glimmer of understanding that the past is being destroyed and the future is being created for all cultural and racial groups under multiculturalism. This is not an accident, it is a purposeful program. The program has many tentacles, both capitalist and Communist. Each individual is now in crisis, or fast asleep as to what is happening. This means your decisons about the future will be based on how much Communism you can stand and what possible alternative options may be open to you. The attractiveness of the global system is its possibility for wealth-production, its use of sophisticated knowledge bases, its apparent tolerance, and the promise of “civilized” standards of living. This attraction is too much for most people to resist, and so there are many supporters of the New World Order. Individuals who become uneasy about the steady stream of propaganda, the debasement of cultural life, the criminal nature of the leadership, the total corruption of institutions that served us well in the past, collectivist values, real cultural conflicts, the systematic elimination of alternatives and genuine cultures, the falling birthrates, the end of free speech, etc. will soon be calculating how much they want to work for a world takeover versus their commitment to genuine human values and a real individual identity.

Our stepping off point will be, you can’t really have a genuine individual identity unless you have a genuine cultural identity. If you have that, you will never need to flirt with therapies, self-help, New Age pagan cults, yoga, anxiety problems, stress reduction, psychoactive drugs, anger management, superhero fantasies, quests for hidden wisdom, adolescent rebellion, consumerism, pop culture, gangs, political parties, fads, experiments, propaganda slogans, or any of the other junk the modern world has sold you as a substitute for your real identity.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


3 Responses to “What we can learn from feminism and multiculturalism”

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