Democrats marginalize the opposition as “militias” has a brief article on the Missouri Law Enforcement Report, which warns Missouri law enforcement about the dangers of organized conservative opposition to Obama’s New Order. NWOU wondered why President Obama would bother to publicly engage Rush Limbaugh right after taking office. We interpret Obama’s permanent campaign in light of Clinton’s precedent. Rather than governing seriously, the Clintons engaged in a constant campaign against conservative critics. Recall Hillary’s “vast right-wing conspiracy” as a defense against Whitewater, Vince Foster, enemies list, secret FBI files, drug dealers in the White House, secret Asian contributors, Lewinsky, transfer of technology to Communist China, and other Clinton scandals too numerous to mention. The Missouri Law Enforcement Report warning of the danger of militias continues this partsan campaign tactic under the Obama administration.

Obama should be flushed with confidence, even though his policies are rapidly creating organized opposition. He would undertake a permanent campaign only if he had a longer-term objective, to permanently destroy conservative opposition.

The Missouri Report warns Missouri police that anyone with a Ron Paul bumper sticker might be an armed terrorist. Presidential candidate Chuck Baldwin is another target of this militia report. Worried about the Federal Reserve? Interested in the New World Order takeover? Then you are also suspected of being a member of a violent militia.

NWOU is particularly interested in the statement in this report that Missouri state troopers had been shot by members of militias. Did we miss something?

Philip Jenkins has an article at The American Conservative on the history of fear of militias over the past few decades. Nothing to see here people, move on, it’s the same old lefty propaganda. The conservatives are so poorly organized they can count as an achievement putting a few thousand protesters in the streets. The vast right wing conspiracy is splintered into so many different and competing groups and parties that it will be impossible for them to agree about anything. Heck, lots of “conservatives” support the New World Order, globalization, monopoly welfare capitalism. The Left also wishes it were better organized and had some central belief system.

What are Fusion Centers? These are coordinating agencies under Homeland Security designed to share intelligence. They are scattered all across the country and are to become centers of tactics in the event President Obama declares martial law.

There is a little bit of good news. The threat of martial law has led many military and former military to form an anti-martial law website called Oathkeepers.

Oathkeepers refuse to accept orders from the federal government to persecute innocent Americans under conditions of “national emergency.” Generally, Oathkeepers regard their oath to the Constitution to take precedent over obedience to a particular declaration of martial law. This right to question orders is actually a fundamental right under the Constitution.

The World Socialist web site recently ran a bland and unconvincing analysis regarding the “radicalization of the left and the right.” It was so poorly thought out we don’t want to send anyone to read it. The point is, the Left believes its failure to articulate a coherent party line is the fault of its followers’ false consciousness. Social scientists who have interviewed lefties recently report that many of them are more interested in yoga and “going green” than taking over the world. NWOU assumes most of them are more interested in saving their job, if they have one, than in supporting collectivist takeover of all institutions around the world and enslaving humanity.

“Left” and “Right” appear to losing traction as markers of identity and belief. NWOU considers this a good thing. In this regard, we have recently discovered Ed West’s blog at The Telegraph. “How the Government Pays Muslims to Vote Labor” is of interest, as is “The Rise of the Pre-op Conservatives.”

NWOU is particularly interested in the radical Moslem/Leftist alliance, and why this would be attractive to the various identity political groups currently colonized under socialism. We had imagined that the Socialist/Moslem alliance was rather hidden; instead, it seems to be out in the open as a fashion statement. NWOU confesses to always being behind the fashion trends.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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