Europe’s power struggle becoming clearer

Western European leaders rejected a Hungarian plan to bail out Eastern Europe’s indebted nations yesterday. It appears that British Prime Minister Gordon Brown led the opposition. Brown prefers a globally coordinated funding of the IMF rather than any Europe-led bailout. Eastern European leaders warned of social collapse, high unemployment, and mass migration from Eastern to Western Europe. See the story at the Times.

The Telegraph reports that this failure to bail out Eastern Europe is causing the Euro to fall.

The Daily Express says that Scotland Yard is preparing for street riots in England in April as the ranks of the unemployed swell and anger boils over at bankers and any G20 arrangements to prop them up.

Protectionist attitudes in Western Europe are fracturing any possible united European response to prop up the global financial system. This forces Gordon Brown to turn to Obama for support for a coordinated bank rescue. The U.S. is currently doing its part by propping up AIG and Citigroup. But the Democrats’ big spending plans right out of the gate work against finding new cash for the IMF. It is becoming obvious that the Democrats overreached with their massive spending for socialism. They should have focused on the bank bailout first. Their irresponsible spending has raised the fear level and solidified opposition to the Obama administration.

New World Order propaganda will frame the IMF funding as necessary to prevent social collapse along with bank collapse. The alternative will be framed as anarchy. NWOU believes that street demonstrations can be relatively peaceful as well as focused on removing current financial and political leaders from power. Although bank failings cause suffering, this suffering is now inevitable. Local capital pools will form from the wreckage. Nothing could be worse than allowing the globalists to control a newly reinvigorated global financial system devoted to merging Communist China’s economy with monopoly capitalism under the direction of predatory global banks.

Finally, an interesting story on the fate of China’s leading capitalists at the Times. Every country is now faced with the problem of choosing whom to prop up and whom to let fail, thus creating opposing groups of the favored and the excluded. Which side are you on? The tensions are rising.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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