The matrix analogy

This is a sobering video. We wanted to expose you to something with a harsh, sober tone so that you can switch your worldview easily. We know you have entirely eliminated all liberal concepts from your thinking, but some of you are holding on to the “founding fathers as noble thinkers” mythology.

The single smart thing about the founding fathers was, they recognized that universal democracy would lead to the tyranny of the majority, so they avoided creating a universal democracy by instituting tough voting requirements limited to adult white males who owned property. Democracy has become code for socialist takeover and the looting of the treasury. All socialist takeovers begin by hiding behind the appeal of universal democracy. What begins as an appeal to fairness ends up as a tool of self-interest, and then continued support for the elite criminal element.

There is a better historical analysis than the one in this video. It involves understanding all the pyramids of control, who controls them, and how they work. But this little metaphor is just about as good because you don’t have to learn a lot of specific information about the subversion and control agencies. We are cutting corners now because we are out of time.

The point is not to make you depressed and hopeless, the point is to help you get over all the “freedom” rhetoric that floats around in America. Americans are obsessed with “freedom” and “rights.” We think these obsessions are not helpful. They are built into the Enlightenment master plan for takeover.

We’re all for freedom from tyranny, but only to a point. If you build your philosophy around an abstraction, you may miss the greater reality, how small your particular freedom puddle really is and how conditioned your thinking is. Our goal is to get you to recognize the reality, you are controlled even if you think you are free.

Freedom is now understood as the appeal to individualism. Individualism destroys society. If you are constantly pursuing your advantage and your self-interest, you are really anti-social, undependable, just another predator on the loose. You are of no value to us.

Most people will be confused by the analysis in this video and will believe there is some fundamental flaw in the analysis. Puzzle over it all you want. We think the metaphor of the matrix is accurate enough. We have the historical analysis to prove it, it’s in The Hidden Masters.

We call this naive philosophy the freedom trance.

You are not free until you control land with like-minded people who form a genuine ethnic society based on genuine morality. If you could achieve that, freedom would not be your main value.

The appeal to freedom masks the economic reality of the pseudo-society. You depend on their systems unless you control an economy that provides for your needs. Fear that their control systems might break down keeps you supporting the liars and controllers.

The breakdown of their systems is the only opportunity for true freedom, and more, a chance to build a shield against the poisons they send you on a daily basis. What you imagine to be the worst case, being outside the system, is actually the best case. To get there, you have to stop working for the system.

Nobody wants to go through system breakdown because the reality is that their holding pen is pretty comfortable for most people. The problem is, their systems make all actors merely cogs in a bigger machine, and the present dominance of socialism is unsustainable. Even if socialism went back into its hole, the capitalists will promote the technofuture of forced chip implants, the total spy network tracking everyone, and the robot/human interface. This is just for starters. The techno future is a totally evil control system. The New World Order is being built on the appliances you carry around with you every day and constantly monitor.

We are not give to excessive alarmism. We don’t pound you with gloom and doom stories. We expose the controllers and their evil plans. Now you know who they are and what they have in mind for the world. Total slavery and genocide.

Liberals watching this video will assume that the capitalists own the farms and they need to take power to “redistribute wealth.” The liberals are irrelevant because the farms are already taken over by socialism. They are fighting a revolution that was won long ago, and so they are essentially comic figures. When somebody makes a movie about this, it will change the world.

We think the controllers can keep things together longer than the most pessemistic analysts do. But if they do keep things together, the prison camp is only going to get more controlled.

The trick is to think about how to escape the systems that are going to (a) collapse, or (b) get more controlling, into a better future. But people cannot imagine a better future outside the systems.

This is merely a knowledge deficit. There are plenty of pioneers and role models out there if you will just take the time to search them out.

In the end it comes down to which side you want to be on, the evil controllers or the good resisters. Most of you don’t have a conscience, so you will just drift to the easiest next step.

There is not going to be any mass movement to overthrow the New World Order. People are only going to find individual pathways.

However, individuals do not do well finding alternative pathways. All power is magnified by group cooperation. Groups win. The problem is, you can’t cooperate with anybody because you are used to the prison. You are living under their trances and cannot imagine cooperating with anybody except the present line-up of controllers.

The main trance that keeps you from cooperating for the best outcome for humanity is not the freedom trance, it’s the money trance. You can’t let go of money as the center of everything of value. Money keeps you tight because you think that money is the key to survival. People who have gotten past money obsession are the most interesting.

Also, you have no idea of the timeline of the takeover, so you imagine you have plenty of time. The economy is getting better, isn’t it? Aren’t we coming out of the crisis? That’s what they say on TV. You never even imagine worse crises ahead. Or how much worse off you’ll be if there never is another crisis.

You might think about forming a political movement to seize power when systems collapse, but the Left is way far ahead of you in that crisis planning. The Commies will take control if the government goes down completely. You won’t have a chance at survival.

That’s why the Left never worries about system collapse, or overspending, or worthless paper currency, or mass riots, or disease epidemics, or killing off the old people, or any of the other things that good people worry about. They know their organization can move into any power vacuum.

Remember, everyone on the Left is a psychopath and completely removed from reality. But, their power of organization is far superior to anything you can even dream about.

You are in the garden of forking paths, controlled by global socialism, exiting from New World Order University, and thinking about trying to find a path to a future. If you’re not in this garden, go away, we don’t care about you. You’re just wasting your time here.

Todays’s topic is the matrix analogy. Is it valuable? We watched one of the Matrix movies, just out of curiosity. We didn’t care for it, we weren’t informed by any of it. The movie really didn’t give the specifics of the control strategies they actually use. That’s what our class is for.

The Matrix movie themes of high technology, drugs, and martial arts are just childish metaphors for how the control systems actually work. But they did get the metaphor out there, so, fine as far as it goes.

The overall metaphor is OK. You are controlled. Our students know who is controlling and how they do it.

We assume most people will go along with the system to survive. We’re not building a movement, we’re trying to make one or two warriors out of the trapped degenerate white masses.

The hard fact is that people are too immature to work with. The system enforces the childish dependency trances that support the system. We can’t overcome permanent adolescence trance with a few smart words.

For example, if you are still buying stuff from global corporations, you are not a serious person. You are their slave. If you are still keeping your money in their banks, you are keeping the bankers in business. If you go to college, they own your mind. If you are involved in any of their systems, you are their unit.

They think you are cattle, and they are correct.

For the tiny number of people who might be interested in escaping, we’ll be talking about forking paths in the days ahead.

If you think this is a blog instead of a class, you have a long way to go to even begin to think about surviving. At the moment the only thing standing between us and our genocidal elimination is a small handful of not-very-smart elected representatives in a corrupt Congress. Tea party “representatives” are not enough to overcome the destructive socialist trendlines in place that constantly work to undermine every civilized value and produce more liberal trash.

You are not oriented correctly to the right enemy and armed with the right strategies to win. But if we tell you the right strategies to win, NWOU will be taken down. What will you do then?

Nothing, because as you are you are incapable of right action. You are brainwashed with ideas about democracy and peace and individualism, and you always support the wrong people, even when you see the wrong people crippling and destroying the people around you and taking your birthright for their profit.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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