Finding dissent at the state level

Elsewhere on this site we have reported on the phony accounting practices of state governments, which hide assets while reporting budgets based on current income and liabilities only. “Are the States Really Broke or Are They Hiding Assets?” at The Kick Them All Out Project offers details on the scandal of state budgets and related topics. More background at Walter Burien’s website here.

NWOU has been wondering why Democrats in the state of California have successfully resisted cutting state spending (or raising taxes) in the recent budget negotiations. The Democrats have forced California to suspend paying state tax refunds because the state has run out of money. Governor Schwarzenegger announced a plan yesterday to suspend state workers for two days each week. Why have the Democrats resisted the obvious necessity to cut state spending? California certainly doesn’t need all the programs it is currently funding, and there is no need to pay state employees full salary upon retirement. Why so much wasteful spending? Why so much unnecessary debt? NWOU suspects the California Democrats stood firm because Nancy Pelosi promised them a federal bailout in the upcoming “stimulus” bill.

The Democrats are determined to spend trillions of dollars of newly created federal debt to prop up their various constituencies and special interests. State bureaucrats are, of course, one of their most important special interests. Money buys votes, and socialist programs colonize entire voting blocs. At the same time, this deficit spending makes the central bankers richer. A few prominent national Democrats are beginning to smell the con and are breaking away from this Democratic consensus. But so far, the Democratic senators and congressmen are holding firm to authorize increased federal spending, spun as economic stimulus.

NWOU is pleased to report that resistance is arising at the state level. Kurt Nimmo at Prison Planet reports that nine states have introduced bills declaring their sovereignty and independence from the federal government. The legal basis for state sovereignty is stated in the Tenth Amendment, which reserves all rights to the states not specified as belonging to the federal government. The federal government consistently abuses its power under the Constitution by mandating state spending for federal programs. The situation becomes even worse when UN and NAFTA programs are elevated over states’ rights. Now that the situation has become intolerable and states are facing bankruptcy, the illegal federal government mandates have become cause for rebellion. One irony of history is the similarity of the current states’ rebellion to the reasons for the colonies’ rebellion from English rule. Under today’s corrupt federal government, the old Articles of Confederation that preceded the Constitutional Convention are starting to look pretty good.

We should also point out that Congressman Ron Paul introduced legislation into the House of Representatives that would abolish the Federal Reserve bank. Stephen Lendman has an article on the subject here.

European countries are also organizing anti-central bank protests. See the story at FedUpUSA, along with recent anti-bailout news on that page.

The Constitutional Tender is a website devoted to pointing out the illegal nature of the Federal Reserve according to Article I, Section 10 of the Constitution. This website also reports on states who move toward adopting Constitutional money (gold and silver).

But don’t expect the globalists to rest at this crisis point. In fact they have been busy drafting a new Constitution for the United States. The globalists are calling for a new Constitutional Convention. See the story here. Only two more state votes are necessary to call this new Constitutional Convention.

A tip of the cap to Nancy Levant for linking this new Constitution with the UN plan for ten regional directorates in the United States to replace the existing 50 states. Levant reports that President Nixon established the ten regional directorates by signing Executive Order 11647 in 1969. UN global governance is really incompatible with U.S. sovereignty, and so a new Constitution is needed to completely undermine the principles on which the nation was founded.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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