How Democrats will continue to screw us

Either you control turf or they do.


Obama is committed to the global economy and the New World Order. He isn’t going to do anything to fix the underlying problems in the U.S. economy, he will instead take photo-ops about creating jobs. Globalization is going to proceed, and money will flow out of the United States. All those fat cats are going to continue to meet in plush retreats guarded by intense security and continue to figure out new ways to screw us. It doesn’t help us much that Obama is irrelevant on the world stage and has no friends, apart from Hezbollah, because the global institutions designed to protect the rest of the world from predatory U.S. banks and corporations, and the policies of the Federal Reserve, will work against U.S. citizens as well.

And, the president gets to set the U.S. foreign policy agenda. Ouch.

Voter fraud

The unions still get to count the votes.

They still have ACORN.

The lawsuit to ban all electronic voting.

Making war

Obama isn’t going to stop selling arms to foreign countries. He isn’t going to withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan. Oh, he said he was going to? Sorry, he was lying. More death, more debt, more weapons spread around the world, more fraud and abuse in military spending, more heroes sacrificed to a meaningless, lost cause.

Spying on us

The Dems fear the people too much to stop spying on us, even though we pay for it. Big Sis controls “Homeland Security,” which is code for domestic population control.


You can’t elect Republicans in a fair fight because Democrats drew the districts. You see, they’re not really interested in democracy, they’re interested in, umm, power and control and making money off of us.

Media lies

They still have the media and will continue to lie like dogs.

The problem with Negroes

Black folk aren’t going to form families no matter who wins elections.

Liberal judges

Liberal judges will continue to create new rights no matter who wins elections.

Lame-duck session legislation

Nobody knows exactly what the corrupt Democrats will do to us in their lame-duck legislative session, but watch out. The possibilities include an immigration bill called the “Dream Act” the Dems have been wanting to pass for a long time.

“Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid this weekend promised to force the Senate to vote on an immigration bill, the Dream Act, in a lame-duck session of Congress next month.

“Mr. Reid, a Nevada Democrat who is in a desperate battle to keep his Senate seat, told Univision’s “Al Punto,” a Sunday political talk show, that he has the right as majority leader to decide what legislation reaches the floor, and said he is “a believer in needing to do something” on immigration.

“In doing so, he elevated immigration to join jobs, spending and tax cuts — the issues most lawmakers expect to dominate Congress when they reconvene in November.

“I just need a handful of Republicans. I would settle for two or three Republicans to join with me on the Dream Act and comprehensive immigration reform, but they have not been willing to step forward,” Mr. Reid said. “They want to keep talking about this issue, and I say [it] is demagoguery in its worst fashion and is unfair to the Hispanic community.”

“The Dream Act would grant legal status and a path to citizenship to illegal immigrant schoolchildren and to illegal immigrants who agree to serve in the U.S. military.

(By the way, there is no Hispanic community. The term is code for La Raza Communism.)

“In September, just before Congress adjourned for two months, Mr. Reid tried to attach the Dream Act to the annual defense policy bill, which already was loaded down with language laying out a path for gays to serve openly in the military. But Republicans blocked the defense bill, arguing that Mr. Reid was playing politics just before the election.

“The immigration issue has been dominant in the Nevada Senate race, which pits Mr. Reid against Republican nominee Sharron Angle, who has been running ads accusing Mr. Reid of being a friend of illegal immigrants.

“Then, Mr. Reid last week had to fire a staffer after it was revealed she had entered into a sham marriage to help a man stay in the United States.

Source: International Forecaster

The Hill tries to throw a little cold water on the Democrats’ evil agenda.


How Obamacare will screw us.

Perhaps the Democrats could fix the upcoming Medicare cuts, which they failed to fund even as they engineered the healthcare takeover. Probably not, they are irresponsible assholes. Isn’t it funny how bold the Democrats are whenever they get ahold of a bad idea to take money out of our pockets, and how timid they are when it comes to supporting their own failed programs?

Surprised to be paying more for health insurance? They lied.

Surprised they are still talking about death panels? They lied.

Raising taxes

A gas tax hike is just one many new tax proposals the Congress is going to have to deflect.

Continue building the police state

When the dole ends, the masses will be controlled by more police.

What will Obama do if the people rebel? Replace the police with the military.

Ticking socialist time bombs

Teacher pensions are just one of many underfunded socialist programs which, if honored and funded, could tip off a massive debt default cycle. The Democrats don’t fund their programs, they use current account revenues. See how a criminal syndicate operates? Every socialist program is a Ponzi scheme. If you fix their crimes, the unions and students will riot. A perfect recipe for their main agenda, bringing America down.

More environmental crimes:

The enviros aren’t giving up on CRAP ‘n TRADE. Their global warming and carbon emission pseudo-science is total crap, but they can make money off the carbon trade. Nice try by David Evans, but you can’t convince criminals to stop being criminals using science as an argument.

The Democrats will continue to ruin the energy economy and make us pay for it.

The ruinous fantasy of green energy.

The enviros want to squeeze the population into overcrowded cities to leave more “open space” for the critters. They are calling this “smart growth.” We call it the green prison camp.

If they can’t get it through Congress, the EPA will do it.

The psychiatry/drug nexus will continue to control us

The Dems aren’t going to do anything about the drugging of the population with poisons.

A look inside the psychiatrist/drug company network.

No civil rights for whites

Republicans haven’t figured out yet that the 1964 Civil Rights Act does not apply to whites. How long can they remain ignorant? Long enough for us to get completely taken over by radical minorities.

Washington Post on Black Panthers case.

Breitbart on Obama’s Justice Department.

No surprise: A federal commission report on the Justice Department is politicized.

Moral subversion

We’ve covered the Marxist promotion of moral perversions pretty thoroughly here. Another take at EndoftheAmericanDream.

Violent Marxist revolution

Calls for violent revolution on MSNBC. Forget about that first sentence, the Left is based on violent revolution and promotes violence all the time.

Their stench lingers on

They still have those clueless bitches on TV.

They still have New York.

They still have George Soros.

Liberal dorks haven’t just up and gone away.

Bureaucrats will cheat and steal.

Universities will continue to manufacture useless propaganda.

The camel’s nose is already in the tent.

They can’t get better if they remain in denial.

Finally, why the Republicans won’t be able to address the economic problems brought to light by the financial crash. They can’t overcome long-term economic trendlines, and they are devoted to covering up for the banksters.

It’s not enough to win an election. You have to eliminate the Left entirely with a comprehensive witchhunt.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


22 Responses to “How Democrats will continue to screw us”

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