Scandal trendline still rising

The Afghanistan scandal:

Nita Lowey (D) figures out that the war in Afghanistan is corrupt, proposes withholding funding. Nancy Pelosi also figures it out:

“I was just there for Mother’s Day, in Afghanistan, that weekend, and traveled into the country even more remotely than Kandahar,” Pelosi said in an interview in her office. “And the corruption issue, it’s problematic. And you know what? A lot of it is our money.” “This is about systemic, huge money,” she said.

Yep. What would happen if the Dems actually came out against corruption? They wouldn’t be able to pass any more bills, and their leaders would end up in jail.

Why Afghanistan isn’t a candidate for nation-building. Too many druggies. That’s also why you can’t build anything in the United States. Too many liberals.

We couldn’t help peeping into the Matt Tabbi versus Lara Logan spat over the McChrystal scandal. And then, the acknowledgment from CBS News that Logan’s pregnancy was restricting their coverage of Afghanistan. Wait, the Left isn’t supposed to acknowledge that feminists in business can’t handle the workload.

We also noticed, in our corporate life, that women were given long leaves for pregnancy, which brought the productivity of entire departments to a halt.

Why was McChrystal fired? For telling the truth about the war? Best answer we’ve seen yet.

Chet Nagle: The Obama administration and congressional Democrats plan to slash military spending to cover some of their outrageous spending. Wonder if that will include cutting corruption? Probably not.

Snapshot of tensions in Iraq. We think there are more tensions than reported here.

We’ve seen many more stories outlining corruption in Afghanistan. Do your own search, we are on to other topics now that this is so well established.

Internet takeover:

Burkhardt on the plans for internet security: Quoting Janet Napolitano:

“…in order to fight “homegrown terrorism” the monitoring of internet communications “is a civil liberties trade-off the U.S. government must make to beef up national security.”

“[The Obama administration] continues to shield those who oversaw high crimes and misdemeanors during the previous and current regimes.”

The Left always makes “civil liberties trade-offs.” That’s how they build the police state.

The Lieberman-Carper-Collins bill would hand the Obama administration an internet “kill switch.” And, insiders stand to profit from the cybersecurity initiative. Corrupt government business as usual.

Cybersecurity is a plan to control the internet and flood it with disinformation while restricting access.


German presidential election “a message to Merkel.” Merkel could abandon further support for the euro, that is why we care about her.

Separatists win election in Belgium. We hope separatists win every election. Best news of the week. We like the nationalist turn Europe is taking. But it won’t mean much if they keep the euro and the EU federalism.


U.S. cities turn to outsourcing of basic services to avoid bankruptcy. The illegal immigration factor. Outsourcing services and selling off government assets will become future trends. Where you live is going to make a big difference.

Morris on the states’ financial crisis. Remember the original stimulus bill? The states spent the money to cover their budget shortfalls, not on new jobs projects.

Biden: Lost jobs are permanently lost. Now you tell us. We knew Obama was lying when he said the stimulus bill would cap the unemployment rate.

Home sales drop.

Obamaville pops up in Hawaii. Surely more to come. Socialism produces homelessness.

New York legislature passes thousands of unaffordable spending bills. At least Patterson is vetoing them.

National debt highest since WWII. No surprise there. Thanks, Obama. His plan is to borrow $1 trillion for the next ten years and never balance a budget. We didn’t vote for him.

Fannie/Freddie bailout cost: $1 trillion.

Asia forecast: 50% growth in five years, if China can stimulate domestic demand. Notice that many of the economists on TV are abandoning the “let’s gear up to export to each other” model and advocating stimulating domestic demand, i.e. economic nationalism. That’s because the New World Order free trade agreements have proven to be a recipe for economic disaster. But Obama proposes doubling U.S. exports over the next five years while keeping free trade agreements in place. Even if the policy worked, only the big corporations would benefit. They are rich enough already.

Note to Obama: U.S. corporations have not created one net U.S. job during the free trade era. Multinational corporations have nothing to do with economic recovery or lowering the unemployment rate.

There is open talk on TV now about Obama’s economic illiteracy and disastrous policies. Something has shifted among the corporate elite that supported him. The elites must be recognizing that they can’t afford to keep him.

Follow-up on previous topics:

Matriarchy in England gives rise to girl gangs. It makes sense that eventually everyone would model locally the kind of government they have under socialism, where feminist gangsters rule. But we’ll go further. The default product of multiculturalism is ethnic gangs, and we expect these gangs to become integral pieces of New World Order planning in the future as the ethnics get completely colonized under Marxism.

Notice how ethnic gangs operate, suddenly into the streets to set stuff on fire or do battle. This isn’t random behavior, it’s organized.

Drug gangs are funding the Hispanic infiltration of the United States and the black Moslem infiltration and subversion of white Europe. Eventually everyone will end up in a gang under socialism, except the stupid whites who still believe in integration. They will be the targets.

Why Hillary and Obama won’t support a G20 proposal to help African women. Because it actually helps them.

Government is hazardous to your health.

Why “mental health” isn’t healthy for you. Especially if the globalists have anything to do with it. Mental health and public health are fronts for Communist programs dispensed from the UN. But this topic is too complex for a neat summary of how they do it here.

Peter Ferrara makes the case against Obama. If you haven’t had enough of this guy already.

Secondhand Smoke on AIDS among the gays. What was it those gays were so proud of, again? How they give AIDS to each other?

Life under martial law. We don’t think you will survive very long. Joining a gang might give you a better chance. Oh, I forgot, you are expecting the federal government to take care of you, even though the federal government has legalized discrimination against whites and is now under the control of Marxism.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


6 Responses to “Scandal trendline still rising”

  1. Wow, I really loved this post, never thought about it like that. Thanks for the insight.

  2. Taylor says:

    “Where you live is going to make a big difference.”

    Any suggestions??

    Western Canada, Alaska, Montana, Idaho, Utah, Colorado, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Northern Texas, Dakotas, Tennessee, Kentucky, Carolinas, Brazil, Australia, Argentina.

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