Gulf disaster scenario

After about a month of doing nothing, it gradually began to dawn on some people that Obama was allowing the oil to reach the beaches. We have seen interviews on TV with local officials explaining how the federal government has obstructed their local prevention and clean-up efforts.

Obama’s speeches have proposed legislation called cap and trade as a result of the oil spill. It has been a longstanding goal of the global socialists to gain control over energy usage and profit from trading in carbon credits. We have covered this story in detail in previous posts.

Is Obama allowing the oil to hit the beaches to further his takeover agenda? We think so.

“If Obama were serious…” he would have mobilized all possible resources in the “war against the spill.” But he didn’t. We think it’s treason, and grounds for impeachment. Keep up with the Impeach Obama effort. This is a really good idea. There has never been a greater danger to America than Barack Obama.

However, we doubt that Congress would find negligence to be criminal in this case. We are sure the lawyers could cover things up well enough to prevent impeachment on this charge.

Mark Steyn writes nicely about Obama’s commitment to globalism rather than to America. The Left is committed to global power, not solving problems. They don’t have any problem-solving skills anyway.

Helium lays out the worst-case disaster scenario for the gulf.

The methane gas factor.

How BP lied about the leak, at ZeroHedge.

How bad is the oil hole?

The seabed fractures.

Matthew Simmons’ reporting.

They might not be able to clean the wetlands.

The controlled-burn strategy.

The nuclear option.

Ben Lieberman translates Obama’s policies into $7 per gallon gas.

National guard training for gulf evacuation.

How Russian mini-subs might help.

NRO keeps up with Obama’s incompetence.

What cap and trade will mean. “Every aspect of our lives must be subjected to an inventory.”
— House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, plugging personal carbon ration cards during a trip to China in 2009

Mark Steyn on why Obama always disappoints his followers. “The mediocre are always at their best.” Steyn is being generous in calling Obama incompetent. When analyzing the Left, the question always arises, did they fail out of stupidity or by planned design? By planned design.

There are two aspects of the scandal we are not covering here. First, sales of BP stock by Goldman Sachs and others right before the explosion. Second, Obama administration ties to BP. We have told you in previous posts that the Democratic Party is a criminal mafia. The financial ties between Obama administration officials, members of Congress, and BP are further confirmation. Do your own search on these topics. We have a lot on our plate and don’t want to do the investigation for you.

How will it play out? We think, into a bigger disaster. The Obama administration will mobilize national guard units for evacuation of gulf areas. This will give him a huge advantage in the potential problem of state mobilization versus national mobilization of national guards. His mobilization will appear to be for legitimate purposes and will trump any state actions. If FEMA and national guard units take over the gulf states, we will move into a whole new stage of takeover and resistance.

Public opinion counts for a lot, as they must handle this for the November elections. It will be interesting to calculate the impact on the vote if large numbers of gulf residents are relocated. If the Obama spin doctors can frame this issue as “hate BP,” Obama might survive pretty well. If the focus goes to the administration and its ties with Big Oil, Obama’s credibility will fall badly. As important as this disaster is, who votes where in November will matter more for the future of the United States.

Already 2 or 3 of the smartest greenies are figuring out that Obama’s environmentalism is about getting money, not “the environment.” But we expect the greens to stay united behind Obama even as his phony environmentalism is exposed because any shift away from carbon energy feeds into their prejudices and pocketbooks.

The event of political interest will be forced evacuations. Until then, it’s just a big gulf catastrophe with finger-pointing. To stay focused during the propaganda barrage, look in the other direction from the pointing finger, and find your own reliable news sources.

We are not your news source, we just point you in the right direction. Others know more about this than we do. Remember, as the chorus grows, more outrage is good. Large numbers of people are going to have to get boiling mad at Obama if we are to have any chance of survival here.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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