Europe needs an angel

“The Treaties set out a ‘no bail-out’ clause, and the rules will be respected. This is crucial for guaranteeing the future of a monetary union among sovereign states with national budgets. Markets are deluding themselves if they think that the other member states will at a certain point dip their hands into their wallets to save Greece”. – ECB Chief Economist, Jürgen Stark, 6 January 2010.

“The most puzzling development in politics during the last decade is the apparent determination of Western European leaders to re-create the Soviet Union in Western Europe.” Mikhail Gorbachev

“All European countries are currently living beyond their means”. – ECB Executive Board Member, Lorenzo Bini-Smaghi, 13 May 2010.

“Supposedly we have no money for tax cuts, no money for school upgrades, no money to maintain parks, no money to fix our streets […] but suddenly our politicians have billions of euros for the Greeks who have deceived Europe”. – Bild, 28 April 2010.

We are interested in historical turning points that shift the New World Order takeover into new phases. The approval of the Greece “bailout package” shifted Europe into a new phase. We are wondering whether that shift will play out toward EU breakup and national independence or toward tighter control over the individual nations through more European financial integration. Since our post How to save Greece, we believe the “tighter control” scenario is playing out.

More EU integration in the short run will serve the long-run trends that will converge in global New World Order totalitarianism (called global governance). We need a national leader to emerge in Europe who can resist the EU and break the trendline of lurching from financial crisis to financial crisis.

At the moment we are focusing on Angela Merkel because she seems to be the weak link in the EU takeover agreement. There is no such thing as a smart feminist or a good feminist, but Germany has strong economic interests and a rising populist sentiment that could influence Merkel. Or bring her down.

Merkel is Germany’s Hillary Clinton, a trained agent of the German Communist party. She can’t be trusted, but she might be moved by populist pressures not to sacrifice all of Germany’s wealth.

After agreeing to the aid package, Germany has proposed stricter EU controls over member nations’ budgets, with fines and revocation of voting rights as punishments for treaty violations. It’s easy to foresee that imposing any sanctions on member nations would spark revolt and threaten EU unity. The EU financial controllers will be forced into negotiated crisis settlement talks throughout this Era of Constant Crisis.

We love national independence. We’re hoping the bailout agreement is creating a facade of unity while behind the scenes everyone is measuring their own possibilities for a non-EU future.

On Germany’s budget cuts. The pattern will be, imposing austerity produces resentment and division. But we can’t expect anything from the disillusioned socialist masses. They will form pools of resentment, but they will continue to dream of a “sustainable” socialist future. Parasites are just that way, there’s nothing we can do about it.

Germany plans to ban all credit default swaps as well a naked shorting of sovereign debt. Could other nations follow suit? Not according to Tarpley, because the European socialists are controlled by the bankers, just as Obama is. Tarpley thinks outside the IMF/WTO box, which is good, but he remains wedded to an “indispensable export” model of economic recovery. Too idealistic. And, we’ve had enough scientific innovation, thank you. Those clever media appliances are simply making everyone more impatient, rude, shallow, and vulgar. Actually, as we have documented in previous posts, modern media cause mental illness and are under the influence of Monarch mind control programmers.

France is worried about its credit rating.

France’s unions are going on strike because its government has proposed raising the retirement age from 60 to 61 or 62. This is the level of juvenile parasitism we are dealing with. As Governor Christie said to the whining teacher who complained about her compensation, if you don’t like it, don’t do the job. Socialists are dreaming if they think they can get better compensation somewhere else. This is how thinking about “social justice” puts socialists into a fantasyland removed from economic reality.

Socialists are really anti-social, and striking over nothing exposes socialists as narrow, selfish thinkers controlled by evil unions. Let’s hope that more demonstrations and strikes cause socialists to lose any standing in the society of the future.

European cities and local governments are in a rush to issue debt as they face falling revenues. Hmmm, more debt. Do you want to give them your money for their piece of paper, right before the debt defaults begin to cascade?

A case study of city bankruptcy: Harrisburg, PA. The municipal bond market is shaky. As more cities and states reach for more loans, it will get shakier.

Borrowing more money to solve a cash flow problem is not the answer, particularly when future cash flows are unpredictable. Notice how stupid the people in government really are.

Rhode Island doesn’t have the cash flow to pay its income tax refunds.

Around 100,00 to 300,00 teachers may be laid off in the United States. That isn’t much compared with the total workforce of 3.3 million, but Obama has a bailout package to pay for states’ budget cuts. Add another $23 billion debt brick to the crumbling pile of debt.

How are we ever going to get rid of this evil liberal public school system if it can’t even be downsized during desperate economic times?

Ireland’s debt crisis, details about European and British budget cuts at Automatic Earth. We are just at the beginning of the budget-cutting trend. That will be followed by human interest stories about how the poor are suffering because the government isn’t giving them money. Actually, the government overspends on everything. Governments’ need for credit to finance their overspending crowds out credit for the private sector, thereby stalling job creation.

The combination of irresponsible socialist spending and the decision to bail out the banks set a course of increasing debt issuance that strangles economic growth. Don’t pay any attention to the crocodile tears of the socialists, just kick them off the world stage. We need a kick-ass angel to lock them in a dungeon under earth so the good people can come out in the open again and clean up their mess.

Socialism isn’t about helping the poor, it’s about enslaving the middle class to make the elites wealthier.

What they did to England.

England’s economists advise Greece to default on its debt.

The “exit clauses” in the Greece bailout agreement. German courts will be ruling on the bailout’s constitutionality. The agreement is shaky, that’s why markets are so rattled. To us the bailout agreement is clearly unconstitutional, but you never know what a court will rule. The problem with the idea that the U.S./IMF will step in is, that option has been forbidden by recent congressional law. Even so, the law might not stop Mr. Bernanke from funding Europe’s credit needs. These guys pretty much do what they want to do.

EU socialism is also about purging Europe of whites by extending favoritism to black Moslem immigrants. Europeans are too taken over to resist, but that doesn’t mean they don’t notice. “Rising tensions” in Spain as the economy declines. Europe needs a KKK to drive the immigrants out.

Fitche’s downgrades Spain’s debt. Those who are waiting for a “global economic recovery” are living in fantasyland. Any resumption of global “free trade” activity to previous levels simply repeats the errors of the past and keeps the same criminals in power. Only this time, with lots more debt, everywhere.

Michael Hudson takes a look at Iceland and Latvia, two failed European economies plundered by predatory banksters. Why Gordon Brown is a New World Order terrorist. Why free market capitalism is “junk science” in the age of global integration. How the IMF becomes global debt collector for the kleptocrats. Iceland’s debt negotiations may be a new model for other bankrupt economies. We remain unconvinced that this is a good model, but nobody’s asking our opinion.

Inmates take over Iceland’s asylum. Iceland is resisting the criminal bankers, but this election leaves us with a queasy feeling. You actually have to be an adult to resist the takeover.

Now it begins: UK plans to sell off its roads to private owners. Note the hand of Lord Rothschild, infamous New World Order dragon, in the privatization scheme. The pattern of selling off government assets on the cheap has already occurred so many times in so many countries that it is entirely predictable at this stage of the crisis.

Vaclav Klaus on the future on the eurozone. Klaus thinks it won’t collapse, but the cost of maintaining unity increases, not just in dues paid but in lower economic growth. Could Klaus be Europe’s angel? Can he kick ass?

A little bit of hope that the era of free trade is coming to an end.

Victor Davis Hanson makes the “end of the New World Order” call first. Premature. The faultlines are just now emerging. We don’t really have anything solid yet, just a creaking debt overhang that has everyone calculating where to find an exit if it all goes rippling down. The U.S. Congress and the states and cities continue to pile more debt bricks onto this crumbling structure of debt.

The only thing we have going for us at the moment is the turn in public opinion in support of Arizona, an unfocused tea party, and Obama’s falling poll numbers. Even if the EU dissolved, the global criminals would find ways to loot individual nations.

Europeans can’t find a way to escape from failing corrupt institutions, let alone organize to overthrow them.

Have you figured out an escape strategy yet? What are you waiting for, total collapse or total takeover?

Of interest:

Claudia Rosett digs into UN corruption. This article explains why it is difficult to get ahold of reliable reports on UN corruption. They keep their game going through deceit.

Quick snapshot of U.S. economic statistics.

Wind Power madness in Denmark. We are wondering if the green propaganda is so thick that it will be impossible to stop the greens from ruining the planet.

Ecuador: a case study in stiffing the global financiers. And yet, for all the problems that occur when one doesn’t have access to credit, Ecuador is not in bad shape.

The new UK government plans to withdraw all troops from Afghanistan. This sober policy means trouble for Obama. In fact, we see a pile of trouble ahead for the Great Deceiver.

More U.S. troops are hospitalized for mental breakdown than for injury. In other words, the U.S. military is ruining more soldiers’ lives than the “enemy” is.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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    Superb. It’s the same here in New Zealand. Can be extremely frustrating, but that’s life in this day and age.

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