Too much news

It’s hard to keep up with the news because there is so much of it in the Era of Constant Crisis. You will be overwhelmed by the news if your orientation is not right. That’s where we come in.

Now, briefly around the crisis zone, just to give you the right orientation. We’re stretched too thin to cover everything of significance.

Following up on the Greece debt crisis:

Former Greek dictator analyzes the failure of socialist democracy as Greek public opinion turns against the IMF. The socialist governments have too much corruption, too much denial about debt. All secular institutions work in concert to support the false promises of socialism and lead to crisis.

Dictatorship, discipline, honest accounting, why didn’t we think of that? There is a model for a good future. You only have to go back to 1974 Greece, to military dictatorship, not to Athenian democracy. We are persuaded that military dictatorship is more responsible than socialism.

Tax evasion and the large black economy helped to bring Greece to the verge of default. The high-tax policies of socialism encourage tax cheating and tax evasion. Meanwhile, the people try to avoid taxes with an underground economy. Everyone avoids the penalties of predatory socialism whenever possible, yet everywhere we have socialist governments voted into power. This is a measure of the schizophrenia of the masses.

We would love to break up this pattern, but first we would have to figure out how to break the pattern of all candidates who stand for office supporting socialism. One big obstacle is, people vote for socialism believing they are going to get something from it. Educating the masses seems impossible. How to work around the ignorance of the socialist masses and elect responsible candidates? We don’t know. Everything is so far gone, it probably can’t be done by elections. Seizing power with a military dictatorship looks like the best bet for saving any country, but we don’t have the ear of the generals.

Athens burning, the general strike, the Communist attitudes. The Left controls violence in the streets and has a favored seat at the table under socialism. Where is the conservative resistance?

WSJ coverage. “Greece won’t be fixed until all the crooks are removed from government.” Good luck. We’re looking for a few honest men ourselves, but not to prop up the bankers.

Merkel rails against the treachery of the bankers. How the blame game is playing out. The real dilemma is that New World Order crisis politics now features bankers warring against socialist governments. You don’t know who to root for in this contest because you are oriented to “bad vs good.” This war is “bad vs bad.”

The new feature of the global crisis is, the politicians and the bankers are not cooperating with each other to loot a single nation, as they were before the global financial crisis erupted. Instead, Goldman and AIG looted Japan and Europe with toxic assets, and Europe’s politicians were trying to fight back. Europe’s politicians are not profiting personally from the switch in toxic assets from bank balance sheets to government balance sheets as, for example, in Mexico. Europe’s politicians are trying to save their banks and their capitalist economies because socialism rests upon both, parasitically. The politicians don’t have to support their banks, but Washington persuaded Europe to do so. The Greece bailout is a European bank bailout. All of Europe’s politicians have been diminished by this “Washington-IMF takeover.” Both Europe and America are now “all in” on the strategy of enriching the big banks.

Behind the scenes: Washington’s fingerprints are all over the Greece bailout package. The Fed has opened its window to European borrowing. Forget about any “Fed withdrawal strategy.” It’s flooding the world with funny money as fast as it can.

Why the bailout isn’t enough. Debt restructuring ahead for Greece, maybe other countries as well. Watch for sovereign debt downgrades ahead.

The markets rally on the bailout agreement, but the markets are merely celebrating the infusion of funny money keeping the financial system liquid. The bank stocks were at the heart of the rally. The expert opinion is that this cash infusion will enable a slow working off of national debt as austerity measures are introduced. In other words, the bankers will get paid, everybody else is on their own. And, we will believe that “working off of national debt” part when we see it.

How could loaning more money to the Greek socialists help Greece avoid debt default? The interest payments become part of the national debt service. The big bailout is a temporary patch.

Would it be better to have a Greek government debt default, banker losses and bankruptcies, and breakup of the EU? We think so. The bailout approach preserves the current structure of exploitation. Banks go bankrupt every day, in case you hadn’t noticed, and the bailout doesn’t prevent social pain.

Romania cuts socialist wages by 25 percent, braces for street protests. Do you see the pattern? Coming to a country near you. That is why we are becoming more interested in the dynamics of street violence.

The European pattern (relatively sound economies entangled with high-debt economies) is mirrored exactly among the U.S. states. Federalism at any level is the problem. Unity is the grand illusion.

Public opinion in France begins to tilt against the common currency. Good, but not enough. The resistance can’t just register in polls, it has to stop the bailout or it is meaningless.

The British election:

How Britain held an election campaign without ever mentioning the issues.

Britain held an election, but nobody won.

The story the media didn’t cover: widespread corruption upping Labour’s vote, leading to the hung Parliament.

From our perspective there isn’t a dime’s worth of difference between the Conservatives and Labour. Perhaps the single difference: Conservatives seem more committed to immediate implementation of the austerity budget. But this is going to be as unpopular in Britain as it is in Greece, and threatens any government that does it.

Gordon Brown to step down as Labour’s leader. Good. As the present leaders disappear from the scene, their crimes will recede from public consciousness. Brown’s legacy: Putting England and Europe under global financial control at the moment they had the opportunity to escape from the New World Order. We need a name for the Blair-Brown Labour administration. How about, The Blair-Brown Anti-White Thievery, Treason, and Corruption Cartel?

Now the question, can Britain “sustain” a government by coalition? Is it better that replacement governments are weaker than the ones they replace? Yes, because they can legislate on fewer issues. Can the coalition of Conservative and Liberal Democrat hold together? We don’t care.

Migrants in England are awarded unemployment benefits for their children living in foreign countries. The new government will not stop immigration or giving preferences for immigrants. Remember, immigrants vote, and immigrants are also bureaucrats. Brown’s legacy: Britain is no longer a white nation.


Immigration and election fraud in the British election.

Three out of four Brits want to emigrate. Soon, three out of four Americans will want to emigrate.

Election coverage at Lone Voice.

“Get me a flat and I’ll give you a vote,” she said. When everybody recognizes that socialism is corrupt, the masses want a higher price for their vote. This is how socialism ultimately corrupts the masses as well. The secular materialist philosophy corrupts the masses with materialism. A nation of socialist whores.

Barking Spider celebrates Brown’s demise.

“The coalition of losers” at Wrinkled Weasel. Clegg was the price for getting rid of Brown. Don’t mess with Wrinkled Weasel.

Who is Nick Clegg?

Constantly Furious. We feel the same way. The only time we’re not on edge is when we’re asleep.

Grumpy Old Twat. The right spirit.

Anna Raccoon celebrates the coming demise of the nanny state. Best wishes from nanny America.

Common Purpose is the EU takeover committee in Britain. Probably the only thing that has held England up is not joining the EU and not giving up its currency.

How successful have the feminists been in destroying the British family? You can measure it by the increase in crime among adolescents, particularly adolescent girls.

Around Europe:

European nations are going to have to get EU approval for their budgets. Trying to fix the error of adopting a common currency.

Merkel’s Chrsitian Democrat party loses local election. Good. Merkel only appears to be a giant because Brown was so evil.

Iceland arrests bankers. Great precedent. Now arrest the feminists and you might have a chance to survive.

Required Reading:

How the Soros cabal is setting itself up to short the euro, attack the weak PIIGs, and leave the bailout to France and Germany. The difference between America and Europe: America hasn’t sacrificed its socialist bureaucrats yet because Soros would rather short the euro than the dollar. America and Europe have switched places. American socialism is now worse than (stronger than) European socialism.

Of interest:

Bill Gross on the Ring of Fire: What happens when banks are bailed out. We do not endorse this website, and we do not offer investment advice.

Auditing the Fed gains momentum as part of financial regulation. Good step, but we wonder if any government investigation can be done honestly in the age of socialism. Also, the “Ron Paul” amendment was defeated.

Federal government opens probe into J.P. Morgan manipulation of silver market. Good.

Calderon wants Mexicans inside U.S. to organize and cooperate with him in fighting Arizona immigration law. Street violence ahead. Thanks, Felipe.

Pelosi explains why she doesn’t care about blocking drug flow from Mexico.

Obama got more campaign cash from BP than anybody else.

Obama administration admits death panels in healthcare legislation.

A little conversation about the conspiracy to bring down Bear Sterns.

Vaccine doctor vanishes with $2 mil.

Goldman owns hatchet-faced feminist nag Supreme Court nominee Kagan.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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