Tea party infiltrators

IMG_3479.jpgThe Left has been infiltrating organizations for over a century, siphoning off their funds and betraying their members. Think Communist-controlled unions. Think Communists in the Roosevelt administration. That is what the Left does best.

How is the Left doing with its plan to infiltrate the tea parties? We don’t have access to behind-the-scenes maneuvering, but conservative bloggers have some on-the-ground reports.

Chicago tax-day crashers

Madison tax-day crashers. Note the “infiltrator” signs. We love tea party Barbie.

Organizing in New Hampshire.

Revisiting anti-Bush rallies.

But forget about “equivalence.” Pointing out the anti-Bush hatred on the Left only underscores the Left vs. Right paradigm. We’re above that now. Take care of your own stuff on the street and don’t get baited. If they race-bait you, you can point out that you are just as opposed to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid as you are to ObamaMao. Don’t even think about convincing anybody of anything, this is just street theater.

New Jersey Governor Christie takes on the teacher unions, and gets a death wish email. Christie is our paradigm of a governor undoing funding for the Left.

Who is organizing the counter tea party? Not this guy. It’s well funded and way above this level.

What does this amount to? Nothing but a little jockeying for media coverage at the moment, but the big event lies in the future. Mark Tapscott asks how the media will cover the tea parties. This is the right question for the moment. If the media can turn public opinion against the tea parties, Obama won’t have to stage a false flag militia violence event to survive the November elections. If the tea party movement grows, he will need a dramatic event of staged violence to turn public opinion against the tea party. Think Oklahoma City bombing. It won’t be a fistfight in the street.

Don’t be fooled by the slipshod and disorganized nature of the anti-tea party movement. The liberals on the street may appear to be ordinary liberal retards, but the guys at the top are professional infiltrators and disinformation specialists. It is their only skill set. They will accomplish more disinformation in the near future.

Do street demonstrations matter? Yep, they worry the Left unto sickness. People on the Left have no skills, they rely entirely on the government to support them. If they lose power, they lose their parasitical livelihood and their chance to exercise power. That’s why they are so dishonest and fanatical.

You won’t be able to recognize the true infiltrators. But watch out for this: when violence erupts you will be drawn toward it. Think self-defense only, and keep your emotions under control. It will be something outrageous to pull you in. Recognize what a small thing a street protest is. Wave your sign, smile, ridicule the party-crashers. The real action isn’t at the street demonstration, it’s the propaganda line the media can make out of it. For the next little while.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


One Response to “Tea party infiltrators”

  1. Wow this is a great resource.. I’m enjoying it.. good article

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