Tea party faultlines

Kenneth Vogel reports on tea party faultlines developing behind the scenes and emerging at the recent CPAC conference.

Cliff Kincaid has commentary published at RightSideNews.

We think you’ll find these analyses interesting if you have a conservative or libertarian outlook. We don’t want to dig into the issues these posts raise because we feel it would be time wasted. We don’t influence anybody, anyway. Our comment is, we wish the tea party movement would focus on what started it, the corruption inherent in Henry Paulson’s 3-page TARP proposal and the free hand it gave Paulson to decide which big banks would go under and which ones would survive. The TARP bailout was set up to favor Paulson’s friends at Goldman Sachs and avoid oversight. Everyone with a little insight into the crooked Wall Street/government relationship should be focusing on the crooks, not on the fringe of the tea party.

But these posts tell us that various political forces will characterize the tea parties in various ways to further their own propaganda agenda.

We are interested in “faultlines” that define political groups and movements, and there will be more tussles and verbal barrages in the days ahead. We expect the struggle to lie between the Republican establishment and the emerging grass roots opposition to Obama, but of course the Left can’t stay out of it and will always try to muddy the waters.

We place the faultline between the Republican insiders and the grass roots opposition on the issue of free trade agreements. If you favor free trade agreements, you favor the New World Order, corporate global dominance, the American empire, building the global police state, shipping U.S. jobs abroad, building up Communist China, and the global financial integration that just crashed the world economy. If you favor ending free trade agreements, you favor decentralizing power, restoring American democracy and sovereignty, breaking the global power of corporate exploitation, curbing socialism, ending immigration, and restoring constitutional fundamentalism. But none of the current talkers is even mentioning free trade agreements.

This controversy is going to continue and grow in volume as various parties ignorant of New World Order history dig in and take rigid positions on issues they really know nothing about.

You’ll have to find your own way through the chaos. If the whole enterprise ends badly, in more corruption and more compromise, remember we are still here trying to think our way out of this mess and leaning toward flight as well as resistance.

We would like to minimize the birther, truther, homosexual, racial, and Alex Jones’ Russia connection for purposes of throwing the crooks out. At the same time, we recognize these are really interesting iissues, and few have the discipline to avoid what is interesting for the sake of political solidarity.

Behind the analysis of tea party problems we sense a big upheaval that will remake the political landscape for the better. And, we don’t have anything else to hang our hopes on, so we’re with the big-tent tea party, all freaks welcome.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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