WHO pushed dangerous flu vaccine

From the Daily Mail:

“The swine flu outbreak was a ‘false pandemic’ driven by drug companies that stood to make billions of pounds from a worldwide scare, a leading health expert has claimed.

“Wolfgang Wodarg, head of health at the Council of Europe, accused the makers of flu drugs and vaccines of influencing the World Health Organisation’s decision to declare a pandemic.

“This led to the pharmaceutical firms ensuring ‘enormous gains’, while countries, including the UK, ‘squandered’ their meagre health budgets, with millions being vaccinated against a relatively mild disease.’

“But with fewer than 5,000 in England catching the disease last week and just 251 deaths overall, Dr Wodarg has branded the H1N1 outbreak as ‘one of the greatest medical scandals of the century’.

“To further push their interests, leading drug companies placed ‘their people’ in the ‘cogs’ of the WHO and other influential organisations.”

More from Wodarg: The WHO weaponized the vaccine.

“Millions of people have been vaccinated with products with inherent possible health risks. This was not necessary. It has also led to a considerable mismanagement of public money.”

How they pulled it off: The pharma companies used new manufacturing techniques, then released the vaccines without adequate testing under the usual socialists’ “urgent emergency” tactic.

Poland refused to buy the untested vaccines. Note that Poland provided the line of resistance against the socialist criminals’ bum rush.

“The A/H1N1 vaccine is being produced by three companies, none of which has been able to assess its long-term effects. Their testing lasted a relatively short amount of time. It is not known whether [the vaccine] is safe for children and pregnant women,” the [Polish] health minister explained at a press conference last week.

“The decisive argument against mass vaccination is that flu shots simply don’t work and are dangerous.” Most flu vaccines contain dangerous adjuvants, and flu vaccines are ineffective at preventing flu.

William Engdahl reports on the Pharma Mafia and the scientists at the center of the phony H1N1 pandemic scare.

Britain’s government is attempting to revoke swine flu vaccine contracts and get rid of its excess vaccine stock.

“A number of other countries including France have already announced plans to sell off their surplus vaccines.

“Newly revised figures show that 360 people across Britain have died after contracting swine flu since April.”

By contrast, Britain forecasts 60,000 deaths from current global cooling cold snap. The global warming scam has diverted socialist bureaucrats’ attention away from protecting public health during cold snaps. Political correctness kills. That’s fine with the Left, they want to reduce population anyway.

Inside a government flu call center.

Health workers’ lives ruined by vaccine.

Many health workers refused to be vaccinated, but we’re not covering every minor aspect of rebellion against the conspiracy here.

In the U.S., the CDC has recalled 800,000 doses of vaccine because they were “too weak.” The “weak vaccine” excuse allowed the CDC to promote a two-shot flu prevention policy. Medically unjustified.

CDC infection rates and death toll estimates are just estimates.

H1N1 in Ukraine may be mutating to a more lethal virus. Mutated virus shows up in France.

But William Engdahl reports that the H1N1 outbreak in Ukraine was hyped as part of the Obama vs. Putin struggle in Ukraine. Engdahl also accuses the WHO and CDC of hyping swine flu to disguise a more serious TB epidemic.

Notice that U.S. TV reporting on the swine flu epidemic disappeared around the time of the Ukraine outbreak and Poland’s cautious resistance.

Next Saturday’s Ukraine election will put a pro-Russian premiere into power.

445 dead, 2 million infected in Ukraine.

The death toll worldwide.

Adverse reactions to the H1N1 vaccination.

Which companies profited.

“People who got a seasonal flu shot last year are about twice as likely to catch swine flu as people who didn’t.”

Germany cuts back its vaccination plans. All European countries are trying to get rid of excess vaccine.

Background on the WHO takeover.

In January the European Parliament will launch an investigation into the World Health Organization pandemic scare and the web of pharmaceutical companies and corrupt doctors.

WND reports that WHO scientists are paid agents of the drug companies that make the vaccines.

“No doubt pharmaceutical companies have been seeking to capitalize off what he called a nonexistent threat.”

Canada reports that WHO culture of corruption has infected Canada’s health system and the U.S. CDC.

“There is a culture of catastrophe at the WHO that has spread through public health agencies in many countries, including Canada, and there’s a whole corporate empire built around this that encompasses many of our public health agencies, and even the CDC,” he said.

“[These bodies] have built a tremendous pandemic response capacity and there is a need for them to justify the money invested. Three years ago, the Public Health Agency of Canada received $1 billion to build pandemic response capacity, so a lot of people are invested in demonstrating that capacity.”

Socialism funds corrupt bureaucracies devoted to their own continued funding. Pure theft with no consequences.

The criminal timeline.

“Vaccination, the public health achievement of the 20th century, is based on a flawed but pervasive belief that presumes immune function can be improved by injecting toxic chemicals and foreign proteins into the body. Yet modern science has proven that this medical procedure cannot be done without serious immunologic consequences.”

KNOW Vaccines: “The pharmaceutical industry and medical professions make trillions of dollars in profit each year from drugs and medical treatment related to the diseases and conditions that result from autoimmune responses to vaccination.”

Big Pharma is now pushing additional vaccines for various diseases in response to government subsidies. Note that the Bush administration granted Big Pharma vaccine makers exemption from lawsuits.

“A 1999 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association admitted that vaccines are not effective at preventing infectious disease deaths in children. On top of this, thousands of people are injured or killed every year from vaccines.”

Scientists have developed a new, cheap lozenge effective against all cold and flu viruses.

More stories at Jane Burgermeister’s website.

The bottom line: Insiders at the United Nations and their greedy allies in some pharmaceutical companies and national health care services conspired to hype a worldwide pandemic, for profit. Just like Al Gore’s global warming scam. Just like the forced abortion and sterilization scam. This is how the global socialists profit, from the cooperation of state socialism and favored corrupt corporations. The people who present themselves as “global authorities” and “disinterested scientists” are really criminal conspirators. Recognize the pattern and refuse to be exploited by their corrupt schemes.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


One Response to “WHO pushed dangerous flu vaccine”

  1. The top three points to underscore: high fever (greater than 101 F) is a sign of influenze of any strain and should be cautioned as a red flag; 2) length for the 2 drugs we have that can decrease the time and severity of flu symptoms to be helpful, it’s necessary to start immediately once the symptoms begin, so don?t wait in calling your physician if you think you may have the influenze, swine or otherwise; finally, most respiratory illnesses are NOT influenza, as pointed out, but it can be tricky to differentiate. Call your doctor if you?re not sure.

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