Labour admits immigration conspiracy

“Many have long suspected that mass immigration under Labour was not just a cock up but also a conspiracy. They were right. This Government has admitted three million immigrants for cynical political reasons concealed by dodgy economic camouflage.”

The Telegraph reports on Labour’s plan to destroy British civilization and society through immigration. “Social engineering” and “multiculturalism” are code words for the purposeful destruction of white society and culture.

Rafael Koski has a follow-on report on a possible thaw in Europe’s rigid control over speech criticizing immigration.

How is England coping with racial diversity in schools? Well, teachers report every instance of “racism.” Guess you could call this zero tolerance for racism, if you believe this is racism.

Britain plans to spend 200 million pounds to track phone calls and emails. The official reason the British police state is being built is to fight crime and terrorism. But actual crime statistics show a different story. Pay close attention to the crime map of central London. Do you know who mainly lives in central London? New immigrants. We’ll document this point in a future post.

We hope you can grasp this central point. Britain’s Left has been lying for years that new immigrants are needed for Britain’s economy. Just like in the United States. Meanwhile, massive immigration has increased the crime rate. Just like in the United States. The increase in the crime rate is the excuse for building the police state. The Left creates the problem, lies about it, then spends your money on the “solution,” to do what they most want to do, control you. Got it?

Greece is now the main portal for immigration into Europe. But when Turkey is admitted to the EU, Moslem immigration into Western Europe should increase.

Pravda is now a knowing observer of the EU takeover. Here is Pravda’s recent take on conditions in Europe.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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