News for September 6, 2024

The BRICs coalition promises a workable alternative to the satanic jew world order, but not everybody is going to agree to get along. Now Brazil and India are creating obstacles. Turkey requests to join BRICs. Logical move.

Ukraine bombs Moscow.

NATO aided Ukraine dirty bomb plot at Kursk.

Ukraine’s casualties in Kursk now top 10,000.

Rothschilds restructure Ukraine debt.

Zelensky fires most government ministers.

Zelensky says he has a “peace strategy” by holding Russian lands.

Russia advances through Ukraine.

Mongolia welcomes Putin.

AfD wins election in Thuringia but won’t be part of governing coalition.

8 million Venezuelans have fled from Venezuela. Communism.

40 percent of crimes committed in Berlin are by foreigners. 75 percent of crimes in New York city are committed by foreigners.

Zuckerberg confesses to election collusion with federal government.

VP candidate Tim Walz pushed for funding of Wuhan lab.

Walz stole covid funds.

House committee begins investigation of Walz’s ties to Communist China.

9 European nations will require vaccine passport.

3,300 people have been arrested for social media posts in Britain.

U.S. government interfered with Brazil’s election.

U.S. government considers mRNA vaccines to be a weapon.

Most vaccines are made with aborted fetal cell tissue.

Scott Galloway documents the crisis of boys and men in America. But you already knew this.

The CIA created gangster rap. The rappers were not hoodlums.

Richard Sauder wrote a book about underground bases:

Review of Lawrence R. Brown, The Might of the West. Provocative revisionist history that attempts to separate Aryan Europe from influences of other civilizations.

Julius Evola, The Aryan Ethos: Loyalty to One’s Own Nature

Speech by Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich explains how jews planned to take over the world.

Archival film footage of Auschwitz labor camp.

This video explains how Hitler’s specific policies rebuilt Germany after World War II:

Adam and Eve were a genetic experiment in Sumer.

April Holloway found Sumerian writing in South America. This is the first we’ve heard about the Sumerian navy’s exploits. Actually the Annunaki flew to South America in their flying saucers.

William Tompkins says aliens helped Germany establish a space program in Anarctica:

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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