U.S. threatens takeover of California parks

For the past few years our local TV has carried new stories about decreased funding for our state and local parks. Now California governor Schwarzenegger has proposed closing 220 state parks to save $143 million in state spending. In response, the federal government has threatened to seize 6 of these parks. The story is at Fox News.

The background for this story is that the federal government claims ownership of these 6 sites. Land in the West does not automatically belong to the states. The federal government owns over 50% of the land in the Western states. There is no good reason for the federal government to own these vast tracts of land. They should belong to the states, and the prudent thing to do is sell this land to private owners. The federal government has been a poor steward of these lands even when the economy was good.

In a related story, California has failed to pass a budget on deadline and will be issuing IOUs. See this story for how other states are handling their budget crises. The common theme is the reluctance of Democrats to cut their spending. The absence of a vision of the common good among the Democrats has brought our country to the worst financial crisis in its history. Still they continue to act irresponsibly. Financial tricks and short-term band-aids allow them to continue their irresponsible spending. Why are the Democrats so far out of touch with reality? Because they consider the private economy an evil and a goose to be plucked to build state power. How can they continue their irresponsible policies? Because no one is publicly shaming them.

The Democrats live in a parasitical fantasyland, but the Republicans have gone along with many of their socialist programs and have contributed to our debt crisis. Patriots who believe we live in a great country are deceived, we live in a bankrupt country ruled by venal parasites. The gamble of our founding fathers on a republican democracy with balanced powers has turned out to be a cruel joke. Every aspect of democracy has become corrupted by the money interests and perverted by the socialists. We have reached a point of no return in the socialist takeover and undermining of individual liberties. Representative government has become a circus of corruption, a parade of bills passed by panicked legislators who don’t even read the legislation. The masses are fooled by smooth talk, empty promises, and cheap propaganda. There is nothing to celebrate this Independence Day but the sour end of a failed era in human history. The rest of the world considers American influence to be a toxin to be avoided, whether it be phony bond packages, high-tech robot armies, or shallow pop culture. The sober reality is that we need an entirely new way of thinking just to survive a rapidly disintegrating failed set of institutions.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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