News for March 19, 2022

Putin’s demands for cease-fire. Pretty much the same stuff he’s been saying all along. Putin’s goals in Ukraine are pretty modest. Putin is separating Russia from the Western financial and trade system, including the internet. The pro-Russia nations, including China, India, and Iran, will form a power block that greatly outnumbers and outproduces the western socialists.

Is the jewish/Nazi alliance in Ukraine a sufficient cause to turn Putin against Israel? Remains to be seen.

A few words from Putin. We think he also wants to rid Russia of degenerate NWO elements.

Zelensky, a gay New World Order stooge put in power by George Soros, signs off on social credit, vaccine mandate, digital ID.

Zelensky’s big gay pride parade.

Former Ukraine prime minister says NATO was planning a nuclear attack on Russia.

NATO has used Ukraine to surround Russia with bioweapons labs.

Russia charges Ukraine, U.S. with developing bioweapons in Ukraine.

Lavrov warns of dangers of Ukraine bioweapons labs, seeks international verification.

Documentary on Ukraine bioweapons labs:

Russia accuses Ukraine Nazis of war crimes. These charges will likely amount to nothing as both sides accuse the other of war crimes.

Pedro Gonzalez on the CIA’s disinformation war in Ukraine.

Russia says Ukrainian nationalists blew up one of the buildings belonging to the Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology in order to conceal evidence of the nuclear research conducted there.

150 companies have withdrawn from Russia, but many more remain. Most of the world is not boycotting Russia.

Catholic archbishop Vigano denounces globalist war in Ukraine. Not what we were expecting from the Catholics. Does Pope Francis know about this?

Patriarch Kirill speaks out about Ukraine, New World Order.

The West is prolonging the agony in Ukraine:

How the war in Ukraine plays into the Great Reset.

A volunteer who went to Ukraine says, “don’t go.”

Putin’s approval among Russians is rising.

NATO wargames near Ukraine.

Stop World Control has a long piece on disinformation about Ukraine on TV.

A Ukrainian nationalist waxes poetic on Ukranian multiculturalism and the Ukranian jews.

Ukraine worked against Trump to elect Hillary.

Igor Chudov investigates the similarity of covid to HIV.

Fauci owns the patent on the HIV insertion into covid.

Senator Rand Paul introduces measure to get rid of Fauci.

Dr. John Campbell examines the Pfizer release of documents:

Department of Homeland Security targets anyone questioning the 2020 election or covid policies as “extremist.” And here.

Jews are behind Antifa. Of course.

Pfizer CEO says fourth shot will be necessary—and a booster every year.

Has Pfizer been delisted from the New York Stock Exchange?

Andrew Yang has a long piece on how boys in the U.S. are failing.

America has a bird flu epidemic.

Clinton Pastor Who Adopted Haitian Orphans Has Been Arrested For SICKENING Child Sex Crimes

Izreal Zeus has a piece on the Colonna crime family. Helps to explain the Vatican crime family.

Ben Bartee
has a few thoughts on immigration, diversity, and the Great Reset. But he neglected to mention the jews behind it and their plans to rule the New World Order from Jerusalem.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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