News for April 3, 2021


Europe, Biden agree that Putin has to be removed for Great Reset to move forward.

Putin moves Russian military forces to Ukraine border.

Britain sends military carrier to South China Sea, will expand nuclear capability.

Biden administration is giving illegal aliens amnesty and social security.

Texas Attorney General: Illegal aliens cost Texans $850 million each year.

Biden’s infrastructure bill includes $20 billion for tearing down highways that separate minority communities.

Biden will allow banks to discriminate against Republicans.


Nancy Pelosi’s treasonous phone call asking the military to overthrow Trump.

Jen Psaki worked for an Israeli spy company.

Christian professor wins court case after refusing to call students by their preferred pronouns.

Another reason to hate the Republican Party: The Texas Republican Initiative.

The Age of Surveillance Capitalism:

How China Tracks Everyone:

VIRUS GATES (1)“No one recovers until everyone recovers”: World leaders plan global treaty to fight nationalist responses to covid pandemic.

A look at global track and trace programs.

Dozens of vaccinated people are catching covid.

Former Pfizer vice-president: Vaccine could be used for population reduction.

Pfizer vaccine causing high death rates in Israel.

London records first day with zero covid deaths.

Boris Johnson says Brits cannot meet indoors because vaccination is not 100 percent effective.

European courts are finding that lockdowns are unconstitutional.

A priest warns about the coronavirus conspiracy:


Jarrett Stepman notices that Americans are self-segregating by race. It’s a good thing, Jarrett. Races didn’t evolve to put up with other races and then disappear into a mud-mix.

Who the cancel culture is going to target next.

Interview with Pavel Tulaev, editor of The Athenaeum. Russian identitarianism.

Second interview.

Grant Havers points out one unforeseen consequence of the Left’s shift from Marxist class warfare to race warfare: The problem of multiracial whiteness.

Stella Morabita has another of those “how did it happen” posts, this one is about propaganda, brainwashing, social psychology.

Cass Sunstein joins WHO, conspires to discredit conspiracy theories.


Which reminds us, France is struggling to suppress Q-anon followers.

A quick look at John Coleman’s Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300. We never read it, but the quotes sound OK.

How German concentration camp workers were paid.

Why the Germans were the true victims of a holocaust.

Eisenhower’s Rhine death camps:


A look at inappropriate comic book characters. Why not make up your own?

Hitler gets coronavirus:

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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