Ireland’s get-rich-quick scheme

Watching PBS usually involves putting up with cheerful retarded Marxist propaganda, but a few days ago we happened upon a documentary on PBS about Ireland that was actually interesting. We tuned in late and didn’t catch the title, but, wanting to know it, we went to the PBS website for the first time. We believe we were watching a program called Mixed Blessings.

Anyway, the documentary surveyed various aspects of Ireland’s economy and society since the “Tiger” miracle. Ireland’s pro-EU leaders took Ireland into the EU with promises of an open market across Europe for Ireland’s agricultural commodities. Ireland invested heavily in science and engineering education, and they invited multinational tech companies to set up factories in Ireland. Ireland then liberalized its divorce laws and encouraged feminism. Girls were told that they needed an occupation as men could no longer provide for them, even though Ireland suddenly got rich as a result of its prescription drug and software industries. Women crowded into the workforce, and Ireland imported cheap labor from Eastern Europe to fill low-wage jobs. Housing prices rose from population increases, higher divorce rates, and low-interest mortgages, and most Irish small towns became small cities. Ireland entered the EU, restructured its society and economy, and got rich.

Until the global financial system crashed. Then Ireland noticed that its banks had a lot of bad mortgage debt, housing prices fell, and global demand for Ireland’s tech products declined. The Irish government hadn’t bothered to balance its budgets. The government continued deficit spending policies into the good years. Irish civil servants enjoyed high salaries. Unionized Irish workers enjoyed high wages and benefits. Now, with the global crash, Ireland’s government is struggling under a mountain of debt, Ireland’s banks need recapitalizing, the housing bubble has burst, and the unemployment rate is rising. Sound familiar?

Meanwhile Ireland’s farmers did not enjoy higher profits as a result of joining the EU. The problem of the lure of a big open market is that other producers are also invited. With farm incomes declining, Ireland’s farms cannot support large families today, and the average Irish farmer is in crisis. Agriculture now accounts for less than 5 percent of Ireland’s GDP.

The PBS documentary also focused on the sale of the Catholic church in Limrick. Attendance has declined so severely that the Church was forced into sale to a real estate developer. Lots of sadness among the local Catholics. Rumor has it this local refuge will be replaced by a bar. Although this long segment on the local Limrick Catholics’ loss featured a lot of gloom and resentment, the image that haunted us emotionally was not the loss of a community church but the large number of young women working at solitary computer terminals, day after day, when they could have been home raising babies. Many of these women have families without fathers.

Declining church attendance in Ireland corresponds to the secularization and feminization of the family. Ireland now enjoys high divorce rates and split families as large numbers of women have entered the workforce. David Rockefeller’s plan to destroy the family through feminism is working right on schedule.

David McWilliams has a nice essay that accompanies the Mixed Blessings documentary, entitled The Pope’s Children, at McWilliams documents the consumerism, the sexual freedom, the drugs, the obesity, the heavy drinking, and other changes to the Irish character that accompanied Ireland’s push for industrial development for the world economy.

Ireland briefly got rich by embracing globalism, but it sacrificed its society and its old culture under rapid restructuring. Now the debts seem to outweigh any economic benefits of joining the EU. The rural economy is in bad shape, foreign immigrants are starting to leave Ireland, and Ireland’s unemployed are going to be a problem if the global economy doesn’t recover soon. Even Ireland’s pro-EU politicians realize that those Irish jobs could easily end up in China or India at the whim of a corporation looking to cut costs by relocating out of Ireland. The trend of the transfer of technology jobs to China and India is pretty much unstoppable under the rule of the supergovernments created by free trade agreements.

Bloomberg says that Ireland’s economy is projected to shrink by 12 percent, making it the worst decline of any economy in the world since the Great Depression. As Ireland’s corporations are cutting jobs, the government is raising the income tax.

At the end of March, Standard and Poor’s downgraded Ireland’s sovereign debt from AAA to AA+. Story at the Telegraph.

The Economist notes that Ireland’s years of above-average economic growth ended in 2002. A housing boom followed, fueled by low interest rates. Migration, mainly from Eastern Europe, added momentum to the increase in housing prices. The Irish government cut income taxes to fund pay raises for government bureaucrats. When housing prices reversed, the government was left without a reliable revenue base. The present situation looks grim, with bad debt on Ireland’s banks and the government issuing new debt at a pace that puts Ireland among the most indebted nations. Ireland is counting on increased demand for exports to pull its economy into growth and reduce its debt burden.

Ireland’s get-rich-quick scheme has blown up, but the best the pro-EU leaders can hope for is increased global demand for products made by international corporations such as Dell. This may never happen. Ireland could quickly devolve into serious poverty and widespread bankruptcy.

What should Ireland have done? That’s easy, the government should have governed in the interest of all the people. Ireland doesn’t need more scientists, a handful of scientists is enough to disrupt any society. Ireland’s government should have kept its people on the land and kept multinational corporations and foreign workers out. There was no inherent native demand for family destruction, consumer goods bought on credit, increased drug use, or handing over Ireland’s democracy to bureaucratic experts in corruption in Brussels. A little investment here, a balancing there, prudence, respect for sovereignty, celebration of Ireland’s great national character, and balanced budgets would have preserved Ireland from the EU takeover.

Now the Irish have a big problem, the same problem facing any nation under globalization: how to get the evil genie back in the bottle. We doubt that Ireland can recover from the destruction globalization hath wrought. Even if the economy recovers, the Irish national character never will recover from globalist socialism. No one has found the formula for reversing feminist destruction of the family.

Global Economic Crisis compares Ireland’s developmental strategy with the United States.

An article on problems facing the Anglo-Irish Bank, though cryptic, manages to outline the issues that are now familiar regarding bank restructuring. Too big to fail versus “an orderly wind-down,” with bond-holders taking most of the pain.

The Irish Economy blogs on matters Irish.

ESRI gathers academic research on Ireland’s economy.

The Irish Democrat blogs for an independent Ireland.

The Nation opines on the Irish rejection of the Lisbon Treaty last year. The Times of India’s report. Matt Cooper believes the euro holds back Ireland’s financial flexibility.

The struggle over the referendum on the Lisbon Treaty is nasty.

EU President Sarkozy is not popular in Ireland.

At the Guardian a regular column on matters Irish.

A report on the two-day Irish summit meeting regarding the terms of the Lisbon Treaty.

As if things in Ireland weren’t bad enough, the country is now split along another faultline. Catholic versus Protestant, feminist versus traditional, globalist versus local, and now a big row coming over Ireland’s crucial role in voting anew for a “constitution” that will further put Ireland at the mercy of the EU controllers. After all this destruction, many Irish remain naive about the European Union. It isn’t a program of increasing wealth, it’s a program of destruction of national society and culture. The New World Order specializes in splitting social unity so the global elites can take over.

Of related interest:

Africa suffers under terms of free trade agreements with EU.

Latvia has accepted a 7.5 billion euro aid package from the IMF. As a condition of the loan, Latvia is cutting government spending by 20 percent. This includes salary reductions for teachers and bureaucrats to the EU minimum wage. NewEurope blames Latvia’s problems on dramatic increases in consumer loans, a real-estate bubble financed by Swedish banks, and the Latvian government’s failure to reduce deficit spending during the boom years.

The story of economic destruction by globalism is pretty much the same wherever you look. The case of Ireland is especially severe because Ireland broke its traditional morality and encouraged feminism, divorce, and somebody else minding the children right at the time it restructured its economy for the false promises of New World Order wealth.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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