News for May 3, 2020

The war with China is escalating as the U.S. military moves more resources to the region, including nuclear weapons:

Criminal Dr. Fauci gave 2 grants to Wuhan lab for virus research, not one.

A look at the University of Texas’ cooperation with the Wuhan lab.

Wuhan was the fentanyl capital of the world. How the drug cartels are faring now.

Preparation for Operation Coronavirus goes back decades.

Here is an interview with Dr. Buttar. JewTube took down an interview last week, so far this one is still up. Great stuff.

Mike Adams adds depopulation to the agenda.

A report on how China became the biggest vaccine producer in the world.


China stole Remdesivir from Gilead.

What are social distancing hats?

China’s Belt and Road initiative is taking losses.

How China views the epidemic.

The U.S. government position on the epidemic.

Is China winning? Not so far.

How Bill Gates took over the British vaccine research industry:

Is Bill Gates Jewish? Sure.

Bill Gates insists every person on earth will be vaccinated.


Petition to investigate the Gates Foundation for crimes against humanity.

UN wants to use virus pandemic to deindustrialize the West.

The Communists see more opportunities in the shutdown.

Accusation that coronavirus patients are being murdered in New York hospitals:

Russian intelligence agrees with us:

Why recovering from coronavirus might not confer immunity. You’re not going to like this.

Canada imposes $1 million fine, 3 years in prison for leaving the house.

Trudeau invited hundreds of Chinese from Wuhan into Canada after the pandemic began.


Why socialized medicine makes pandemics worse.

Amazon buys surveillance cameras from China. Globalism isn’t dead.

Retired U.S. Army General McChrystal organizes anti-Trump propaganda campaign, with paid agents.

We have been wondering how the epidemic is affecting the civil war. The most obvious point is, it depends on whether you live in a red state or a blue state. Residents of blue states are going to have to organize and protest to get their rights back. Of course, Democrat Communist governors can simply ban protests as health hazards, and the old rights may never be restored. Protesting is a way to organize and meet like-minded people, so something useful should come of it.

But we believe out-migration from Communist states and big cities will help the U.S. population to divide into more clearly defined warring factions. Also, out-migration saps the Democrat Communist states of workers and tax revenue and strengthens white states. We think the civil war is postponed for now. Migrate, prep, survive, organize.

A couple of websites devoted to reopening America: and American Revolution


California doctors explain that sick people should be quarantined, not healthy people.

Andrew Joyce opines that multiculturalism is frozen. Both sides see developments to be optomistic about. Don’t be fooled by the “We’re all in this together” propaganda on TV.

Vibrant multiculturals riot in France.

Islam is not part of Germany, but that hasn’t stopped Merkel from replacing the white race.

Book review: Agitprop in America by John Harmon McElroy

The Subversive Attack on the European Race

Stacey Abrams explains why Communists hate white people. Could be your next vice-president.

Hitler finds out he has coronavirus:

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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