News for January 4, 2020


The worst trend of 2019 was the censorship and banning of websites (and tweets) for hate speech. The Supreme Court has ruled that hate speech is legal, but Big Tech is very Left and committed to New World Order takeover.

Germany has a new hate-speech bill that will make sure internet posters get prosecuted:

Oregon woman arrested for telling Mexican to go back to Mexico. There’s more here than speech, there is also hostile behavior, which means this woman is probably going to be found guilty of a crime.

Big Tech is developing software that will censor undesired speech before it is posted on the internet.

Geoffrey Fowler has a few tips on how to survive the surveillance apocalypse, but there isn’t that much the average person can do. This is going to require some legislation that changes Big Tech’s communist priorities.


International Criminal Court puts Israel on trial for war crimes. This looks like a small story, but conviction could really mean progress in stopping Israel’s war crimes.

Real Free Speech One has a long investigative piece on Obama’s book deal and the politics of textbook publishing. This looks rotten, but it also looks impossible to prosecute.

Stratfor has some thoughts on the implications of Trump’s assassination of Iran’s Soleimani on the politics of the region.

Militia leader who led U.S. embassy attack was a visitor in Obama’s White House. No surprise there.


Virginia disarmament remains our greatest domestic threat, with a mass protest planned for January 20, the day the new administration takes office. InfoWars reports that the UN is hiring disarmament officers in New York. To disarm whom?

GOA has gun-related news.

Mike Adams checks in with a state-by-state analysis of the likelihood of a shooting civil war breaking out.

A citizen journalist war-games the Virginia second amendment battle:

American contractors in Afghanistan paid off the Taliban to protect their interests.


India is currently undergoing an ethnic transformation as the parliament has passed a Citizenship Amendment Act which invites refugees from nearby Moslem states but excludes Moslems. Helena Cobban has a strange take on this transformation, comparing it with Zionism. Nevertheless, there is an important idea here. We had never considered it possible to purify America of unwanted immigrants, but Prime Minister Modi has given us a model of how the government could actually do it. Like Israel does it. This is one of the most hopeful ethnic nationalist pieces we have read in a long time. But for America to succeed, we would have to elect politicians that love white people more than they love Jews.

How the Jews operate in Great Britain.


UCLA students say that want Trump supporters put in concentration camps.

UCLA refuses to close Communist-controlled Confucius Institutes despite FBI warnings.

Wikileaks has documents showing international watchdogs covered up evidence that chemical weapons were not used in Syria. We said these were false flags at the time, here’s the evidence.

Nancy Pelosi’s son also worked at a no-show job in Ukraine.


Evil Pope Francis unveils new world religion at the UN. Actually, the UN already knew all about it because they have been planning it for decades.

Trump backs UN global initiative to force all nations to approve anal intercourse by homosexuals.

Why are they rolling out 5G wireless technology even though the health risks are known? Because the military is going to use 5G for massive data collection and analysis.

The Left is hanging onto the narrative that Trump withheld aid from Ukraine for personal gain.

Bernie Sanders calls Netanyahu a racist. Well, sure, but isn’t it unusual for Jews to call out Jews? Isn’t that anti-semitism? By the way, don’t count Bernie out. He’s raising a lot of cash.

UK schools refuse financing of scholarships for poor white boys because that would be racist.

West Virginia students fired for giving Nazi salute.

Christopher Chantrill nails the whole squealing mess over feminism, homosexuals, and transsexuals: fake outrage over fake victims.

How the climate alarmists use fake data:

If you are interested in predictions for 2020, Doug Casey has some that appear to be pretty obvious.

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


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