News for June 29, 2024

| June 29, 2024

Ukraine kills civilians in Crimea with U.S. supplied missiles. Ukraine attacks Russian ships in Black Sea. Houthis attack Israeli ports: ? Zelensky arrests security, charging assassination attempts. NATO will invade Russia with 500,000 troops in September. British pedophiles traveling to Ukraine to target child refugees. Ukrainian children taken abroad to orphanages, sold to British pedophiles. […]

How AI becomes a danger to humanity

| June 28, 2024

Posted on an internet chat forum by James Casbolt, 2009 1) Once an AI-based computer goes online, it will not wish to be switched off. Like any other intelligence, the AI system will seek to survive. 2) Organisations and individuals will slowly begin to take directions from the AI system instead of the other way […]

News for June 22, 2024

| June 22, 2024

How AI controls Israel’s genocide in Gaza: ? Pepe Escobar reports that the BRICS are united around promoting a Palestinian state. However, the U.S. has its hooks into Saudi Arabia with a new defense treaty. Saudi Arabia is the weak link in the coalition. President of Serbia: “All signs point to a major war.” Yep. […]

News for June 16, 2024

| June 15, 2024

The European elections shook the socialist establishment, but the results were small increases, not victories for the “far right.” There are no “far right” parties in Europe. The socialists took losses, and the center-right made gains. Europe’s bureaucracy remains unthreatened by vetoes. However, Macron and Scholtz took significant losses. Macron appears doomed to fall to […]

News for June 8, 2024

| June 7, 2024

Israel wants to go to war against Hezbollah in Lebanon. More here. #Israel Channel 14 TV host. Threatened the United States. Israel goes on a genocidal rant how they will slaughter Iran, Lebanon & #Gaza. America, this is the Ally #AIPAC_Bought_Congress bleeds you dry for? In the eyes of other nations, Americans are slaves. ??? […]