Immigrants terrorize schools

| March 16, 2011

How would you like to be a student at a German public school? The Germans are “always alone” and “terrified.” The immigrant gangsters control the school grounds. The teachers are gagged into silence. The liberal elites have abandoned the German people in favor of gangster immigrants. That is because, the liberals are gangsters.

Satanic psychologists design sex ed to create more perverts

| March 12, 2011

Hat tip to TFLwarhammer.

The assassination strategy

| March 8, 2011

In 1914 the anarchist Gavrilo Princeps assassinated Archduke Ferdinand of Austria, thereby precipitating World War I. The newspapers called Princeps an anarchist, and that label has stuck to this day. Actually Princeps was a member of the Black Hand, an Iluminati terrorist group. By Illuminati we mean Communist. Did the Illuminati cause World War I? […]

How they are watching you

| March 2, 2011

A brief history of how the United States government uses foreign wars to test surveillance technology, then uses the technology against the domestic population.