Director | November 29, 2010
Once upon a time the good people tried to get away from the bad people and form their own separate societies. They are called monasteries. This worked for a while, mainly because the kings converted to Buddhism and Christianity and the monasteries provided services to the society of not-so-bad people.
Category: Culture wars, Lucifer Worship |
Tags: Buddhist texts on demon-possession, drugs and demon-possession, The Shurangama Sutra
Director | November 26, 2010
Starting with the news, the Irish bank bailout was necessary because of a huge run on Irish banks. Anglo Irish plan details.
Category: European Union, Global Economy |
Tags: Irish banking crisis
Director | November 22, 2010
Have you cleaned yourself up yet, eliminated the last residue of liberal lies and the last adolescent liberal value? Have you gotten to the point of knowledge where you don’t consume media disinformation? We are moving on to exploring alternatives now.
Category: Culture wars, NWO History |
Tags: Alex Jones, David Duke, Jewish New World Order conspiracy, Michael Savage, neocons and Zionism, New World Order spokesmen
Director | November 16, 2010
Either you control turf or they do. Globalization Obama is committed to the global economy and the New World Order. He isn’t going to do anything to fix the underlying problems in the U.S. economy, he will instead take photo-ops about creating jobs. Globalization is going to proceed, and money will flow out of the […]
Category: Global Communism, Obama Administration |
Tags: green energy scams, lame-duck session in Congress, new world order, Obamacare, The Dream Act, unions and voter fraud, white civil rights
Director | November 12, 2010
Federal Reserve Bank Chairman Bernanke’s quantitative easing (purchase of Treasury bonds) inflates money supply, threatens devaluation of dollar, supports Democrats’ overspending, skews normal distribution of interest rates. Future Fed Treasury purchases threaten to plunge the world into permanent currency war. The permanent crisis props up corrupt socialist governments in Europe and the United States, giving […]
Category: European Union, Global Economy, Obama Administration, U.S. Economy |
Tags: California pension fund liabilities, foreclosure crisis, G20 meeting in Korea, Ireland debt problem, QEII, resisting the smart planet, sovereign debt crisis
Director | November 9, 2010
Tim Rifat on how microwave mind control works. “It is now possible to broadcast mind control commands directly into the brain by use of microwave beams. All that is needed is a catalogue of every specific brain frequency for each: mood, action and thought. These catalogues of excitation potentials are available from Russian neuro-medical research […]
Category: Police State |
Tags: microwaves used for mind control, mind control at a distance
Director | November 9, 2010
KickThemAllOut has a new video, The Secret of Oz, a great documentary on the history of the U.S. banking system. How bankers cause depressions and recessions. Why central banks are evil. And, why gold-backed money isn’t the answer.
Category: U.S. Economy |
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Tags: The Secret of Oz