Director | March 31, 2009
The U.S.-Communist China alliance broke apart in September of 2008 when China announced that its banks would no longer make loans to the United States. Reuters had a brief story on this announcement. Unfortunately the U.S.-China diplomacy from this point is shrouded in mystery, but we can infer a couple of points from subsequent actions.
Category: Global Economy |
Tags: Angela Merkel, Davos World Economic Forum, European Union, Federal Reserve bank, G20 summit, global financial system, Gordon Brown, Timothy Geithner, Vladmir Putin
Director | March 28, 2009
We live in interesting times. NWOU believes that the Era of Cooperation ended with the global economic crash, hence we are on the verge of a new era of the New World Order.
Category: Global Economy |
Tags: Barack Obama foreign policy, Dimtri Medvedev, G20 meeting, Gorbachev, Henry Kissinger, new world order, Robert Rubin, Vladimir Putin, World Economic Forum meeting at Davos, world reserve currency
Director | March 27, 2009
McClatchy News reports from Missouri that Missouri’s report to the highway patrol warning of militia and third-party threats of violence has been retracted. MIssouri Governor Kinder has suggested putting the director of Missouri’s public safety on administrative leave and investigating how the report was written. Missouri’s director of public safety has apologized to the offended […]
Category: FEMA, Obama Administration |
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Tags: Governor Kinder, Missouri highway patrol report on militia threat
Director | March 26, 2009
Hannah Fearn at Times Higher Education has an article on the warring factions of anthropology departments. Fearn presents this divide as evolutionary anthropologists versus social anthropologists. Actually, there are more schools of anthropology than these two, but Fearn offers an oversimplified public introduction to the subject, with varied commentary, that may be helpful to the […]
Category: Uncategorized |
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Tags: Darwinist anthropology, Marxist anthropology
Director | March 26, 2009
NWOU is on the lookout for stories about local governments dealing with the bad outcomes of the socialist takeover. Now that California’s budget problems are forcing the state to cut funding for counties, the counties must also cut spending to balance their budgets. CBS News reports that Sacramento County will begin denying nonemergency health care […]
Category: U.S. Economy |
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Tags: Arnold Schwarzenegger, California budget deficit, illegal aliens
Director | March 24, 2009 has a brief article on the Missouri Law Enforcement Report, which warns Missouri law enforcement about the dangers of organized conservative opposition to Obama’s New Order. NWOU wondered why President Obama would bother to publicly engage Rush Limbaugh right after taking office. We interpret Obama’s permanent campaign in light of Clinton’s precedent.
Category: FEMA |
Comments Off on Democrats marginalize the opposition as “militias”
Tags: conservative militias, Fusion Centers, Missiouri Law Enforcement Report
Director | March 23, 2009
Media attention lately has focused on Elkhart, Indiana as the poster city for U.S. economic decline. That’s because Elkhart is the center of the nation’s RV manufacturing industry. RV sales have tanked, and most RV manufacturers have gone out of business or are facing bankruptcy. But Cleveland may be in worse shape. Alex Kotlowitz reports […]
Category: U.S. Economy |
Tags: Cleveland foreclosures, real estate price declines