Is Europe going protectionist?

| February 26, 2009

NWOU is keenly interested in the current struggle between economic nationalism and free-trade globalism in Europe. How national leaders align on this issue may mean the difference between national freedom and identity and European identity under EU tyranny.

China drilling in Iraq

| February 26, 2009

Iraq has signed a contract with Communist China’s National Petroleum Corporation for development of its oilfields. See the story at and Reutersuk. What does this mean? That George Bush’s belief that Iraq would compensate the U.S. in oil for the cost of the war was false. Iraq now appears confident enough to disengage from […]

Behind the “smart grid” stimulus subsidy

| February 22, 2009

RFD America exposes the hidden agenda behind the “smart grid.” Smart grid is being sold to Americans as a way to make electricity transmissions more efficient. Local producers of electricity, including owners of fuel cells, are supposed to be compensated for selling their electricity to “the grid.” Sounds good, no? No. The real purpose of […]

Pre-1985 children’s books now banned

| February 22, 2009

Walter Olson at City reports on the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008, which went into effect on February 10. The Act makes it illegal to sell children’s books published before 1985. Booksellers and libraries are now destroying their books under threat of a $100,000 fine for noncompliance.

China, inside and out

| February 20, 2009

How is the global economic crash affecting China and China’s foreign policy? First, a superficial look at the post-crash Asian economies from the pro-NWO Economist. The Asian exporting economies were hardest hit by the crash. NWOU does not expect any of them to serve as the source of new demand stimulating global trade. Bloomberg reports […]

The West is running out of people

| February 19, 2009

Many environmentalist/population control websites broadcast the false claim that world population is rapidly increasing. Some project a doubling of the world population over the next 50 years. These false statistics are New World Order disinformation. The world population is growing very slowly, and at a decreasing rate. Tune in, and understand how they fooled you.

Why Islam is taking over Europe

| February 18, 2009

The legal basis for the Islamicization of Europe is called the Barcelona Declaration, The Barcelona-EuroMediterranean Declaration of 1995. It is a New World Order takeover program designed to destroy national cultural identity. Multiculturalism is a Neomarxist weapon designed to destroy identities so that world citizenship will become everyone’s reference point. It’s not really about tolerance […]