The Man Without Qualities hypnotizes America

Yesterday Barack Obama was elected the 44th president of the United States. NWOU has refrained from commenting on the campaign because we can’t waste our time listening to campaign speeches. Political speeches don’t matter because politicians’ promises mean nothing. Politicians routinely say one thing and do something different once in office. The purpose of the political campaign speech is to describe some difference between oneself and one’s opponent and appeal to as many people as possible. Can the masses be stirred out of their indifference? Barack Obama did this better than John McCain, and he was well financed and better organized, so he won.

Obama’s single opportunity is to bring the troops home from Iraq. We shall applaud him when he does so. What else he does in office is up for grabs. Obama has mastered the art of obfuscation. No one seems to know what he really believes or what he will do. We don’t know, either.

The people I have talked to voted for Obama for a variety of reasons, because he is black, because he is cool and doesn’t get ruffled, because they think he is intelligent, because they think he reads books, because he is going to give us universal health care. No one has mentioned cutting taxes or fixing the economy. No one believes Obama understands economics or has a new idea. No one believes Obama will actually reform something.

Last night we witnessed a celebration in Obama’s home town that featured dancing, yelling, and crying as forms of celebration. Obama has a gift for hypnotizing his followers. His campaign has been an exercise in mass hypnosis. He does it in the usual way, by appealing to some abstractions, such as liberty or security or peace or unity. Then his voice rises with emotion and he implants the emotion in the crowd. They cheer. They vote for him. There is nothing more to it than that.

Obama is the Man Without Qualities. He will continue to appear like a shadowy ghost on our TV screens repeating the same assurances, slogans, and explanations. He will appear to be above the fray of politics, like Jefferson, while scheming behind the scenes. He will give us our sound bites. But we doubt that he will really rule the world or give us a new era.

Obama is an intellectual type, and he can’t compete in the present world of gangsters and thugs who control the nations of the world. His charm isn’t going to persuade the dictators of anything. Obama is a girly man, not a leader. He defers to his wife. Feminism cripples
democratic socialism as well as conservative capitalism. Democrats can’t lead, they can only seek consensus. The leaders of the world will laugh at him, chew him up and spit him out. Look for much covering of his embarrassments at international gatherings. However, he will be liked in France. We don’t expect Obama to be effective as a spokesman for American interests in the world arena. His tricks work on TV, on the brainwashed masses, but they
won’t work on dictators and gangsters.

Everyone expects a Depression-era presidency from Obama, with lots of job-creating programs focusing on green energy and infrastructure. They will create more funny money out of thin air and drop it from helicopters to keep the unemployment rate down. The
bureaucracies will hire. There will be more subsidies for education and science, and more welfare. This is the best the socialists can offer because socialism cannot create anything, it can only regulate the creators of wealth. The only thing socialism can organize is a rally.

Change has come to America, but it isn’t change of any value. The change will be the feeding of chosen interest groups to the detriment of other interest groups. The favored interest groups appear to be blacks and teenage girls and the old socialists who have been waiting their turn at the trough. That is all there is to it. It isn’t a new era or a new economy or a new culture or a new leader. The Democrats will fall into factions and squabble among themselves like they always do. The only good thing about the election of Obama is, we don’t have to listen to Hillary Clinton lecture us in Communist feminism for four years. The destruction of America and the enslavement of the world under global socialism will otherwise proceed on schedule.

The interesting question over the next four years will be the same question that was of interest during the last four years: Where is our money disappearing to?

About The Author

I read over 500 books on the history of the New World Order, but you only need to read one book to make up for the poor education they gave you in the public schools. The Hidden Masters Who Rule the World is a scholarly history that will take you beyond all parties, all worldviews, all prophecies, and all propaganda to an understanding of the future that the global controllers have planned for us.


One Response to “The Man Without Qualities hypnotizes America”

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