News for June 14, 2019

| June 14, 2019

Trump’s bullying of Mexico with the threat of tariffs appears to have paid off with concessions from Mexico. A little bit of good news: Mexico has arrested two migrant rights activists for human trafficking. Mexico appears to step up border enforcement. We believe Trump’s trade war with China could end badly, but Stephen Moore makes […]

News for June 4, 2019

| June 4, 2019

Guillaume Dorocher analyzes the recent European parliamentary elections. The right-wing parties gained just a little support as the ruling parties lost support in most countries. The Communist Greens mostly gained votes. The exception was in England, where Nigel Farage’s new party won a stunning victory. Gilad Atzmon says Brexit is all about making Israel greater. […]

Letter from Russia

| May 31, 2019

The following comes to us from L. Lebed in Russia: “In a nutshell, Russia has not ceased to be subordinate to Wall Street ever since the revolution. Might I add, Imperial Russia was Masonic as well, and not that nice of a place to live in. (But that’s a story for another time). When the […]

News for May 25, 2019

| May 25, 2019

Good news: Illuminati puppet Theresa May resigns as prime minister. Trump seems to be de-escalating the war on Iran, for now. We expect the trade war with China to escalate into a cold war. Trump’s May 15 designation of Huawei as a national security threat is forcing various technology companies to choose, U.S. or China. […]

News for May 19, 2019

| May 19, 2019

J.D. Heyes is one among many voices exclaiming about the censorship of websites and social media. Yes, the Left wants to shut down every dissenting voice, including ours. The Jews are particularly active censors, using anti-semitism as justification for silencing those who tell the truth. President Trump says he is “monitoring” the situation, but Trump […]

U.S. preparing for war

| May 11, 2019

President Trump has appointed neocons (Trotskyite Commie Jews) as his foreign policy advisers. The results are predictable and dangerous. We are all in favor of overthrowing Communist dictator Maduro in Venezuela, but the Guaido  uprising failed. We are not aware of a plan B, but we don’t see Brazil allying with the United States to invade […]

News for April 20, 2019

| April 20, 2019

Secret meeting seeks to develop cooperation for U.S. invasion of Venezuela. Well, yeah, usually they don’t invite the public to war planning. The executive branch of the U.S. government has filed a writ of impeachment against Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Good luck with that. Approximately 10,000 illegal immigrants from countries designated as state sponsors of terrorism are living […]