News for January 11, 2020

| January 11, 2020

Justice Department ends investigation of Hillary Clinton, no charges. Brings to mind an old editorial from Freeman, the system can’t be fixed. Whitney Webb has been pretty reliable so far, listen to her speak about the Soleimani assassination here. Hussein Askary has context on the Soleimani assassination: More mideast background from Aangirfan. Virginia planning roadblocks […]

News for January 4, 2020

| January 4, 2020

The worst trend of 2019 was the censorship and banning of websites (and tweets) for hate speech. The Supreme Court has ruled that hate speech is legal, but Big Tech is very Left and committed to New World Order takeover. Germany has a new hate-speech bill that will make sure internet posters get prosecuted: Oregon […]

News for December 29, 2019

| December 28, 2019

President Trump recently said that we need to love Israel more. Adam Green has discovered a federal government proposal to educate Americans with even more pro-Israel propaganda: “The Democratic Party Corruption under the Obama Administration Mounts Up to Heaven. Billions of Dollars (Tax Payer’s Money) was Kicked Back to Congressmen from Ukraine.” Rudy Giuliani says […]

News for December 23, 2019

| December 23, 2019

Although he doesn’t name the Jew, Frank Reynolds knows there is a conspiracy to destroy the white race: Lefties celebrate the Great Replacement. Fabius Maximus has a few thoughts on the civil war. Google is an arm of Communist China. We assume you have all the news about impeachment that you care to have. Here, […]

News for November 23, 2019

| November 24, 2019

No one has testified at the impeachment hearing that there was a bribe or an agreement. Is Giuliani at risk for representing the president? A reminder that John Kerry violated the Logan Act and never got prosecuted. Biden charities report zero dollars given to charity. Ukrainian parliament calls on U.S. and Ukraine presidents to investigate […]

6 million? Not really

| November 14, 2019

Did 6 million Jews die in the Holocaust? No, not even close. The 6 million figure has been a favorite of Jews since the early part of the twentieth century. The following video shows how the 6 million figure was used by the Jews as an accusation long before World War II started. Six Million […]

News for November 11, 2019

| November 10, 2019

“The underlying point is it transfers free markets to statist management on a global scale not seen before.” Alasdair Macleod reports on the plan by the central bankers to “reset the financial system” and retain control. This plan is further developed than Macleod lets on. It’s right around the corner, and it depends on going […]