News for April 5, 2020

| April 5, 2020

Why sars coronavirus is different from the flu: “The ability to infect nerve cells is, while not unheard of, extremely rare. It is common knowledge that HSV integrates itself into nerve cells, effectively “hiding” beyond the reach of the immune system. HIV similarly hides in immune CD4+ T-cells and remains latent for years. Herpes is […]

News for March 8, 2020

| March 8, 2020

Coronavirus is not the flu. It is more virulent (infectious), it causes higher rates of death, and the public has no antibodies against it: More statistics at Zero Hedge for “it’s just the flu” crowd. Major cities turning into ghost towns. 2,700 are quarantined in New York City. Mike Adams projects the death rate in […]

News for March 1, 2020

| March 1, 2020

Jews declare war against white people in America: Mike Adams on the coronavirus: Chinese scientists say coronavirus did not begin in a meat market. Top Chinese spokesman says virus may have originated outside China. The Chinese think they were attacked. Leaked documents reveal infection rate in China is 50 times higher than reported. SOTN suggests that […]

News for February 9, 2020

| February 8, 2020

Get your coronavirus news updates at Natural News. A reliable source. Best background article on the coronavirus. It is a weaponized virus. Ooops, Dr. Plummer found dead in Africa. Why the United Nations loves the coronavirus epidemic. Why Bill Gates is always a legitimate suspect whenever virus epidemics and vaccines threaten to reduce population: Secretary of […]

News for February 2, 2020

| February 2, 2020

How a viral pandemic benefits the globalists. Big Pharma forms internet censorship group. Canada was sending lethal viruses to China. What the controllers talked about at Davos. Arab League rejects Jew peace plan, Palestinian authority cuts ties with U.S. and Israel. Former Ukrainian prosecutor files complaint against Joe Biden. Hillary tweets no one is above […]

News for January 26, 2020

| January 25, 2020

Alex Jones goes to Richmond in a battle tank. See Jan. 20 coverage of the protest at this page. The traps the Communists set for the second amendment protesters. A few remarks about Richmond from Identity Dixie. Andrew Anglin says the protesters in Virginia would not be able to pull off any sort of revolution. […]

News for January 19, 2020

| January 18, 2020

AfD’s Martin Hess addresses Germany’s parliament and charges the socialists with importing immigrant war machines terrorizing the German people: Virginia governor declares state of emergency, capitol weapons ban. FBI arrests white nationalists before Virginia gun rally. More here. Virginia state senator says gun owners have mental issues. A warning that the January 20 protest in […]